Education in times of pandemic: reflections of students and teachers on virtual university education in Spain, Italy and Ecuador




Educational technology, Higher Education, public education, educational process, student adaptation, distance education, virtual learning


Introduction. This research carried out a comparative study between three countries severely impacted by the coronavirus based on the analysis of the reflections of teachers and students on university virtual teaching during the confinement stage. Methodology. This descriptive, exploratory and explanatory study applied surveys, between March and April 2020, to students and teachers of Journalism, Communication and Education at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), University of Torino (Italy) and Technical University from Machala (Ecuador). The survey had responses from 300 students (100 per country) and 196 teachers. Results. The majority of students negatively value the move to virtuality, since it is associated, on a recurring basis, with an increase in the teaching load. E-learning has contributed to negatively impacting the view of students on their trainers, while the latter demand basic digital skills in young university students. Discussion. According to the research results, teachers, in the scenario of remote training, must show knowledge not only about the content of the subject, but also technological and digital-pedagogical knowledge. Conclusions. The teacher must be able to innovate, reflect and transform their didactic proposals to respond to the social demands that the world is experiencing in the midst of a health crisis, while achieving the curricular objectives proposed at the beginning of the course. On the other hand, the surveyed teachers recognize that it is necessary to promote critical and reflective thinking linked to the strategic management of ICT.


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Author Biographies

Santiago Tejedor, The Autonomous University of Barcelona

Associate Professor. Director of the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Doctor in Journalism and Communication Sciences from the AUB. Ph.D. in Project Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Member of the Research Group ‘Communication and Education Cabinet’. He has participated in several funded research related to Media Literacy and citizen participation. He has carried out research stays in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. He has the honorary title "Egregius Educator", granted by the Superior Council of Management of the University of Commercial Sciences of Managua, and the recognition as "Distinguished Visitor" of the Technological University of Honduras. His lines of research are: cyberjournalism, media convergence, and new transmedia narratives.

Laura Cervi, The Autonomous University of Barcelona

Post-Doctoral Researcher at the AUB Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences. Doctor in Political Science from the Universitá di Pavia, Italy, and the AUB. Member of the Research Group ‘Communication and Education Cabinet’. She has participated in many research financed in public calls related to Media Literacy and citizen participation: “DINAMIC, Development of individual, corporate, and citizen media literacy indicators” (2012-2014); “Showing films and other audio-visual content in European Schools - Obstacles and best practices” (2013-2014); "EMEDUS, European Media Literacy Education Study" (2012-2014). She has been, together with Dr. José Manuel Perez Tornero, the Main Researcher of the European project Y-NEX, European Youth News Exchange. In 2014 she was a visiting researcher at the Newberry Library in Chicago (USA).

Fernanda Tusa, The Technical University of Machala

Research professor. Doctor in Social Communication from the Austral University of Argentina. Member of the Research Group in Discourse, Communication, and Web ‘GIDCOWEB’ of the Technical University of Machala (UTMACH, Ecuador), Member of the Research Project ‘Good pedagogical practices of edutubers’ of UTMACH. She is part of the editorial support team of the UTMACH Research Directorate. Member of the International Research Network on Communication Management, XESCOM. Member of the Interuniversity Research Network on Media Competencies for Citizens, ALFAMED. She has been a CLACSO and Ceibal Foundation postgraduate fellow. Her lines of research focus on new digital languages, hybrid narrative digital art, the sociology of technoculture, and emerging social phenomena related to technology.

Alberto Parola, The University of Turin

Alberto Parola is an Associate Professor of Experimental Pedagogy, Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Turin and a psychologist. Scientific interests: educational research, media education, didactic innovation, learning technologies. He is President of the Egò Cooperative (Media and DSA) and President of the CinEduMedia Research Center. He was a scientific consultant for MIUR (Ministry of Education), educational director of ExtracampusTv, creator and coordinator of the European project "On Air" and vice president of MED (Media Education). He carried out scientific consultancy for Rai-Radio Italian Television and was part of the group of experts of the European Emedus project. He was part of the management of the Society of Learning and informed Education for Evidence (SAPIE). He has made numerous reports at schools, conventions, meetings, and conferences nationally and 12 internationally (China, Brazil, South Africa, Sweden, Spain, and educational and research projects in Haiti and Rwanda).


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How to Cite

Tejedor, S., Laura, L., Fernanda, F., & Parola, A. (2020). Education in times of pandemic: reflections of students and teachers on virtual university education in Spain, Italy and Ecuador. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (78), 19–40.


