Analysis of the use of mobile devices in Spanish university classrooms




Media competence, mobile devices, teaching innovation, university, faculty


The level of training in media competence of Spanish university teachers and the degree of implantation of mobile devices among young people is investigated. Methodology: We analyze the interviews with 100 professors from different Spanish universities, whose ages range from 39 to 64 years old, around innovation with mobile devices and media competence in their classes. Results: It has been possible to determine that the main barriers to innovation with ICT in the classroom are those established by the teachers themselves and the lack of investment by the institutions. Discussion: Given the above, it is clear that the insufficient technological training of teachers is decisive in order to adopt a position against innovation with mobile devices. Conclusions: Despite the reluctance of some teachers and the lack of investment on the part of the institutions, there are success stories in innovation, which must be multiplied to meet the demands of the students.


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Author Biographies

Estrella Martínez-Rodrigo, University of Granada

Her teaching and research has focused on audiovisual and Web 2.0 discourse, on which she has published 6 books, over 30 book chapters, over 35 articles in high-impact journals, and has authored over 40 conference papers. She is the head of the Research group “Cibercultura, Procesos Comunicativos y Medios Audiovisuales” (SEJ 508) financed by the Regional Government of Andalucía, and has supervised numerous doctoral dissertations. Her research topics include audiovisual and digital communication, its social and educational effects. She has participated in several teaching innovation and research projects at national, European and Latin American level. She is currently a member of the I+D+I (Research, Development and Innovation) project Competencias mediáticas de la ciudadanía en medios emergentes en entornos universitarios (EDU2015-64015-C3-2-R) [“Digital literacy in emerging media in higher education”], based at the University Pompeu Fabra. She is a member of the scientific committees and reviewer of several high-impact journals and international scientific conferences. Her research profile is partly available at ResearchGate or Dialnet h-index: 12

Julia Martínez-Cabeza Jiménez, Universidad de Granada

B.A. in Audiovisual Communication and M.A. in Secondary Education Teacher Training. She is currently working as researcher at the Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación of the University of Granada, and is a member of the Research group “Cibercultura, Procesos Comunicativos y Medios Audiovisuales” (SEJ508), financed by the Regional Government of Andalucía. Her research topics include social networks, animation film and its educational effects. Her work has been published by Tecnos and Tirant lo Blanch.

Miguel Angel Martínez-Cabeza Lombardo, University of Granada

His teaching and research has focused on pragmatics and film adaptation. He is a member of the Research group “Texto y discurso en inglés moderno” (HUM-270). He has supervised four doctoral dissertations, has authored three books on English stylistics and linguistics, and has edited and translated over fifteen collections of essays of British and American authors. He participated in the teaching innovation projects of the University of Granada Desarrollo de un marco pedagógico para el fomento de la autonomía del alumno universitario (2012) and Autonomía y nuevas tecnologías en la docencia universitaria (2007). He was visiting professor at the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and cultures” of the University of Delaware (USA) in 2016 and 2017.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Rodrigo, E. ., Martínez-Cabeza Jiménez, J., & Martínez-Cabeza Lombardo, M. A. (2019). Analysis of the use of mobile devices in Spanish university classrooms. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 997–1013.


