Analysis of the discursive characterization of migratory stories on Twitter: The Aquarius case




Twitter; migration; disinformation; fake news; discursive characterization; hate speech


Introduction: The controversy that emerged around the rescuing and welcoming of the migrants who were on board the Aquarius was prominently reflected on twitter. Objectives and methodology: The objective of this article is to analyze the representations made around migration on this social network based upon the study of the Aquarius case. To do that, we have monitored, for four months, around two million tweets related to the Aquarius term, the influence Twitter has to create and make hoaxes go viral, and the presence of discursive strategies promoting hate speech. Conclusions: We observed that a stereotyping process of migrants occurred in many of the tweets posted, as well as the tendency of emotional aspects prevailing over rational argumentation. Additionally, at least eleven hoaxes related to the coverage of the case were identified.


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Author Biographies

Ángel Fernández Fernández, European University of Madrid

He has a PhD in Communication from the European University of Madrid (UEM), in which he defended the doctoral thesis named Relatos híbridos: El papel de la narratividad en la visualización de información interactiva, receiving the honorific cum laude distinction.He is director of the Master’s Degree in Digital Communication and Entrepreneurship of the European University. His line of research revolves around the study of interactivity, digital narratives based on data, and the cultural impact of new technologies. He is member of the Research, Communication and Migrations Group and researcher in the EU- INMIGRA3-CM project mediums.

Almudena Revilla Guijarro, European University of Madrid

She has a PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is a Titular Professor in Literary Creation and Communication in the European University of Madrid. She is currently a researcher in the EU- INMIGRA3-CM project mediums group and in the internal project EU Monitoring and analysis of the discursive characterization of migratory stories on Twitter. She is a founder member of the Research Group DILE (Spanish Discourse and Language) of the UAM.

Lucía Andaluz Antón, European University of Madrid

Doctoral Candidate at the European University of Madrid (UEM) under the subject Estudio del modelo de fact-checking y su aplicación en Twitter, a través del caso de estudio sobre migración en el Aquarius: Implicación de la carga emocional en la difusión de los mensajes, como estrategia para la viralización de Desinformación”. [EN: Study of the fact-checking model and its implementation on Twitter through the subject of study about migration on the Aquarius: Impact of the emotional load in the dissemination of messages, as a strategy to make disinformation go viral]. Her line of research revolves around the study of new fact-checking initiatives and techniques, as well as online disinformation. Currently, she is a researcher in the “Monitoring and analysis of the discursive characterization of migratory stories on Twitter (2018/UEM07)” research project. She is coordinator of Post-graduate practices in the Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences in the European University of Madrid.


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How to Cite

Fernández Fernández, Ángel ., Revilla Guijarro, A. ., & Andaluz Antón, L. . (2020). Analysis of the discursive characterization of migratory stories on Twitter: The Aquarius case. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (77), 1–18.


