The network strategy of a fashion brand




digital communication; ECOALF; Slow; fashion; social networks; sustainability; strategy


This article analyzes the new forms of communication and awareness, specifically in the digital field through a case study of the ECOALF luxury fashion brand, unique in the world for its contribution to the sector through the cleaning of the oceans. The use of unlimited expression by ECOALF through digital media leads to environmental awareness, a key message of its online strategy. It is a corporately responsible practice in the digital medium, especially of its social networks with which it communicates interactively and inspires the prosumer. It will deepen in how it transmits its business purpose and its good corporate practices through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, as well as its website. A qualitative methodology is applied, using categorization processes, supported by discourse analysis and NVIVO11 software where the company's online publications from its first five years have been analyzed. In conclusion, we discover how, through digital communication tools, a fashion company turns its production process into audiovisual media and digital literacy material that are closely linked, in addition to global environmental awareness for different consumers: fashion, social networks, environmentalists, cultural leaders and trend hunters among others.


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Author Biographies

Bienvenida Araceli Parres Serrano, Alcalá de Henares University

She is a Doctoral candidate and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the University of Alcalá. She has a Degree in Journalism from the CEU-Cardenal Herrera University, and a Master’s Degree in Political and Corporate Communication from the Navarra University and The George Washington University. Her professional career has been developed in the widest ambit of Institutional Relations and Events, in the Asian, European and Latin American markets for over ten years. Currently, she is balancing her responsibility in the Development Department of a Foundation and her research about the social message of luxury brands in her online communications. 

Francisco García García, Complutense University of Madrid

He is an Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Professor from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) since 1995 and emeritus professor from the UCM. He has published numerous articles and books related to communication, creativity, narrative, education and rhetoric, and his interactions with new information and communication technologies. He is editor of the scientific magazines Icono 14 and Prisma Social, both indexed in Scopus, as well as of other publications such as Creatividad and Sociedad. Being the director of more than 165 doctorate theses and several research R+D+I projects which obtained national competitiveness, stand out during his professional career.

Eva Matarín Rodríguez-Peral, Rey Juan Carlos University

She is a Sociologist and has a PhD in Information Sciences. She has a Master’s Degree in Corporate and Institutional Communication. As for the educational ambit, she has a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), Direction training and Management of e-learning Projects, in addition to having postgraduate studies as Applied Social Research and Data Analyst Specialist, taught at the Sociological Researches Center. Initiating the Advanced Social Research Foundation (ES: iS+D) and the initial coordination of the research magazine Prisma Social, stand out during her professional career. She is a professor in the Sociology Area of the King Juan Carlos University and Support Academic Coordinator of the College Master’s Degree in Inclusive and Intercultural Education at the International University of La Rioja.


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How to Cite

Parres Serrano, Bienvenida Araceli, Francisco García García, and Eva Matarín Rodríguez-Peral. 2020. “The network strategy of a fashion brand”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 77 (July):33-53.


