Study and conceptualization of the Valometer: A system of business indicators for values-based management




Valometer, “Vusiness”, companies with values, business indicators, management with values


Introduction. In light of economic and social threats and challenges such as globalization, economic crises, child labor, climate change and technological transformation, this paper presents the results, conclusions and recommendations of a study and conceptualization of the Valometer, a system of business indicators designed to facilitate management with values. Methodology. It focuses on the use of three complementary techniques. The first phase comprised the exhaustive diagnosis of four bibliographic reviews focused on inclusiveness, sustainability, technology and communication. In the second phase, theoretical intentional sampling was used to select 50 professionals-experts (scientists and professors from different academic disciplines, businesspeople, entrepreneurs, managers and advisors from different business sectors) to participate in three semi-structured discussion groups combined with qualitative in-depth interviews to jointly conceptualize the Valometer. Results The resulting tool consists of 50 criteria and indicators constructed scientifically and divided into 5 spheres: A) Identity; B) Administration and management; C) People; D) Sustainability; and E) Technology. Conclusions The data obtained from a small sample of companies that have used the tool in pilot mode suggest that the Valometer may be a useful tool for facilitating business management with values.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Echazarreta Soler, University of Girona

Professor of Communication of Universidad de Girona. PhD in Communication by Universidad de Barcelona (2002) and PhD in Communication (1990), Studies on Eastern Asia (2006) and Prehistory and ancient history. She is currently Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Communication.

She has taught and still teaches in the degree of Advertising, in the degree of Videogames Development and in the master’s degrees of Cultural Studies and Communication, of Political Communication and of Gender Equality in the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. The subjects taught include: Theory of Image, Gender and Media, Audiovisual and Videogames Narrative, Semiotics and Critical Analysis of Discourse, Communication Strategies in Politics.

She has conducted and tutors many Bachelor, master’s degrees and Doctorate Dissertations.

She is principal researcher of the Research Group ARPA- Group of Analysis of the Reception of Audiovisual Screens – and editor of the Scientific Journal on Communication: Communication Papers (

Her research lines include:

 Demand and uses of videogames by youth and teenagers.
 Ethics and deontology of media.
 Social changes produced by Social networks
 Representation of Gender in the mediatic discourse
 Audiovisual and digital alphabetization: Audiovisual screens in the socialization process of teenagers and youth.
 Values, social responsibility and business.

She has published many research papers and organized congresses about most part of the aforesaid topics.

Albert Costa Marcé, University of Girona

He is currently Associate Professor of Advertising and Public Relations in the Universitat de Girona. He is a graduate in Psychology, Advertising and Public Relations by Universitat de Girona and graduate in Audiovisual Communication and has a Degree in Communication by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. He has studied International Marketing in ESIC: Business & Marketing School. He studied a master’s degree in Family Therapy and a master’s degree in Initiation to Research in Psychiatry and Medical Psychology by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as well as Research Proficiency by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, also in Psychiatry and Medical Psychology.

For the author, the globalization, economic crises, child labour, technological revolution and climate change accelerate the search of alternative economic models, that are able to overcome the gaps of the current capitalist model.  There are needed companies acting under the corporate values of a wise business culture.

Before these challenges, from the ARPA Research Group (Group of Analysis of the Reception of Audiovisual Screens) of the Department of Philology and Communication of the Universitat de Girona, where the author is an active member, the project Vusiness [from the English “Business”, but with “V” standing for ‘Values’] is initiated, which promotes open, democratic, sustainable, inclusive companies, and that make an intelligent use of technology with the aim of becoming a transferable model in the fields of research, education, entrepreneurship and business.

Albert Costa is coordinator of a team composed of 37 technicians from different areas who work in a coordinated and strategic manner to foster the local development, social and economic progress as well as job placement. He is responsible for a team of about 150 individuals from different professional profiles. In addition, he is advisor for the creation, growth and consolidation of companies, specialized in the administration and management of individuals and teams; value-based leadership; talent identification; personnel selection; economic and financial management, and total quality management.

As a freelancer, he owns a marketing company (Reptes) and a production and commercialization company of products addressed to elderly (Sabya – Quality of Life, SL).

His work context and daily experience leads him to concern and delve in the will of promoting value-based companies. Therefore, he is developing, with the invaluable help of PhD Carmen Echazarreta, his doctorate dissertation about value-based companies.


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How to Cite

Echazarreta Soler, C. ., & Costa Marcé, A. . (2019). Study and conceptualization of the Valometer: A system of business indicators for values-based management . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 573–593.


