Participation and commitment of young people in the digital environment. Uses of social networks and perception of their consequences




Social networks, young people, citizen participation, uses, risks, Spain


Introduction. The article analyses the uses that young people (of 18 to 24 years of age) make of social networks (especially in terms of public-social participation) and their perceptions regarding the possibility of empowerment. Methods. Four focus groups were conducted: with vocational training students and university students, who were divided in turn into highly-active and low-active users. Results and conclusions. The power of social networks (generators of change and citizen participation) is perceived differently depending on the context and the degree of influence of the user. The level of activity and participation is not the only factor determining use: personality and interests, previous degree of implication, and use habits provoke greater or lesser resistance to change a social network. Although television consumption is decreasing, the credibility of its information is not related to the medium but to the confidence and knowledge that users have in relation to it.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Vizcaíno-Laorga, Rey Juan Carlos University

Ph. D. in Informaton Science (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2003), Graduate in Information Science (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1996), Graduate in Education Science (UNED, 2001) and Graduate in History and Music Science (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2017). Course of specialisation in Social Communication of Energy (Universidad Complutense de Madrid-Forum Atómico Español) and Second Specialty in Education Projects and Peace Culture (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, 1999). Associate Professor of Journalism (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). He has participated in funded Project "Study on Internet uses among minors in the Community of Madrid, Risks and characteristics" (funded by Regional Government of Madrid). Participation in the National Project "Social networks, adolescents and young people: media convergence and digital culture" (CSO2016-74980-C2-2-R) funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain (2017-2020).

Research lines: axes of communicative communication-technology applied to different environments (disability, political communication, education or public spaces). "Children before advertising" (2017) or "The campaign of candidates and parties on Twitter during the 2015 general election process" (2017) are some of their latest works. He has been Principal Investigator of the CALISTO Project and of the ULISES Project (National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation).

Beatriz Catalina-García, Rey Juan Carlos University

Ph. D. Coomunication Science (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (2011), Licenciada en Periodismo por la UCM. 1989) and Graduate in Politics Science (UNED, 2014). Visiting Fellow (Journalism) at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He has participated in the National R + D + I Project "Analysis of the use and consumption of social media and networks on the Internet among Spanish adolescents. Characteristics and practices of risk ". She participates in the Regional Project co-financed with EU funds "Program of Activities on Digital Vulnerability" (2016-2018) and in the National Project "Social networks, adolescents and young people: media convergence and digital culture" (CSO2016-74980 -C2-2-R) funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain (2017-2020).

His published works are related to the digital public sphere, citizenship and the uses of the Internet. Among the most recent: A documentary and librarianship perspective on big data and data journalism "(2018)" The Greater Oporto municipal chambers as sources of information for the local press "(2017); "The young university students and their patterns of consumption and dissemination of news according to the ideological trend (2017); "Adolescents and Youtube; creation, participation and consumption "(2016); "Young people and news consumption through the Internet" (2015); "Implications for media education of contacts with strangers on the Internet" (2015); "Press offices as the main documentary source of the media" (2015); "Cyberspace and citizens: a look through the Spanish town halls" (2014).

María-Cruz López de Ayala-López, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Research lines, within which he has participated in various competitive and funded research projects are related to digital and young culture, television and protection of minors; uses and risks of minors on the Internet; parental mediation and corporate communication. It has publications in prestigious national and international scientific journals, among which the most relevant ones are: (2018), Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (2016, 2014, 2011), European Journal of Communication (2015), Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico (2015), Comunicar (2013); Comunicación y Sociedad (2012).


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How to Cite

Vizcaíno-Laorga, R. ., Catalina-García, B. ., & López de Ayala-López, M.-C. . (2019). Participation and commitment of young people in the digital environment. Uses of social networks and perception of their consequences. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (74), 554–572.


