WhatsApp as a verification tool for fake news. The case of B de Bulo





Fake news, post-truth, fact-checking, local press, Telegram, WhatsApp


According to the Digital News Report 2017, Spain is the European country with the highest penetration of WhatsApp for news consumption. Hypothesis and objectives. This tool of immediate communication allows media to increase from a qualitative perspective sources, traffic and even involve active audiences in fact-checking tasks. Our goals are to describe the process of creating B of Bulo feature in the newspaper Sur, analyze its operation and impact on social networks. Methodology. A mixed methodology is applied, by combining quantitative and qualitative techniques: content analysis, interviews with those responsible for the management of the service, participant observation and monitoring of visits. Results. The publication of content on hoaxes is done every 48 or 72 hours, and those related to children or politics are avoided. Despite these editorial limitations, news pieces in this section are part of the list of the most read contents. Conclusions. The results confirm the success of the proximity relationship established between newsroom and audiences via WhatsApp.


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Author Biographies

Bella Palomo, University of Málaga

Chair Professor and Director of the Department of Journalism of Universidad de Málaga. She is specialized in the fields of digital news media, active audiences, social media and journalistic routines. She is author of a hundred of articles and books about these themes.

She has been multimedia and communication consultant in Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, and visiting professor in the Universities of Washington, Rutgers, Miami (USA), Shanghai (China) and Federal de Bahía (Brazil).

Currently, she is Main Researcher of the project “La influencia de la audiencia en la innovación periodística: riesgos y oportunidades” [The influence of audience in journalistic innovation: risks and opportunities] (CSO2015-64955-C4-3-R MINECO/FEDER).
H Index: 9.

Jon Ander Sedano Amundarain, University of Malaga

Graduate in journalism and researcher in Universidad de Málaga.

He has specialized at professional level in multimedia journalism and new narratives, developing said tasks in Diario SUR.

He is author of several articles related to immediate communication tools and source fact-checking. He is member of IAMCR, AE-IC and ACDCómic.

His research interest is focused on journalistic innovation and veracity in Internet.


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How to Cite

Palomo, B. ., & Sedano Amundarain, J. A. . (2018). WhatsApp as a verification tool for fake news. The case of B de Bulo. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (73), 1384–1397. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2018-1312


