“Joining the army is not choosing to kill”: towards an understanding of the emotional narratives of Colombian professional soldiers





Emotional narratives, rhetoric, professional soldiers, Colombian armed conflict, Colombia


This article presents the results of an analysis of two emotional events experienced by Colombian professional soldiers. For the purposes of this study, an emotional event is an event that the narrator defines as life-changing. Methods. The study is based on interviews with a sample of professional soldiers, conducted between 2015 and 2017. Results. Two emotional events were identified: “I no longer remember my civilian life: I am who I am now”, “Change of mindset”. In the first, the soldiers narrate how once they joined the army, their civilian life ceased to be a benchmark in their daily lives. In the second, soldiers mention that they did not learn to kill in the School of Professional Soldiers (ESPRO), but in the combat zone. Conclusions. The study of emotions is of vital importance to understand the daily life of people who are part of complex institutions such as the Colombian Army.


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Author Biographies

Ana María Forero Ángel, University of Los Andes

Ana Maria Forero Angel currently works at the Department of Anthropology, Los Andes University (Colombia). Ana does research in Anthropological Theory, Qualitative Social Research Cultural Anthropology and Experimental Writing. Their current project is 'Vida cotidiana de los militares: vivencias adentro y fuera del cuartel.

Catalina González Quintero, University of Los Andes

Catalina González is an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Universidad de los Andes. Her research interests span a broad spectrum of topics including modern philosophy, skepticism, the relationship between ancient philosophy and rhetoric, and the philosophy of death. Among the authors that she has addressed in her publications are Cicero, Vico, Hume and Kant. She has also studied moral emotions in contemporary narratives and discourses.

Simón Ramírez González, University of los Andes

Anthropologist and philosopher, MA student in Public Policies. Research Assistant. Department of Anthropology, University of Los Andes, Colombia. School of Social Sciences

Felipe Zárate Guerrero, University of los Andes

Philosopher, Master Student Philosophy. Research assistant. Department of Philosophy, University of the Andes of Colombia. Faculty of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Forero Ángel, A. M., González Quintero, C., Ramírez González, S., & Zárate Guerrero, F. (2018). “Joining the army is not choosing to kill”: towards an understanding of the emotional narratives of Colombian professional soldiers. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 1353–1367. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2018-1310


