Brand personification in radio advertising. Analysis of the presence and use of the figure of the spokesperson




Advertising, radio, personification, spokespeople, persuasion


As a form of brand personification, this article analyses the presence of the figure of the spokesperson in its various forms and their use in radio advertising. Methods: Quantitative content analysis has been performed on the advertising spots broadcast by the 12 national commercial radio stations with the highest audience shares in Spain (of which three are full-service and nine are themed stations). The sample of adverts featuring spokespeople was composed by 3,890 units. The type of spokesperson has been correlated with other variables such as type of advertiser, product category, type of message and subject pronoun. Results and conclusions: Radio, as a medium, is more inclined to make use of voices representing low-profile personalities to the detriment of celebrities who are featured in advertising in other media.


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Author Biographies

Salvador Perelló Oliver , Rey Juan Carlos University

Salvador Perelló Oliver holds a PhD degree in Sociology from the University of Valencia (1996). He has participated in several R&D projects of the National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, being the leader of three of them and research team member in six of them. He has directed five projects (Article 83) and participated in more than twenty-five research projects funded through national and European competitive calls.

Author or co-author of more than 40 articles published in international journals of high impact factor such as European Journal of Communication, Journal of Marketing Communications, International Journal of Communication, Communication & Society, Convergencia Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Sociología del Trabajo,, Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico, Palabra Clave and Prisma Social among others.

Author of books and book chapters published by Springer, Tirant lo Blanch, Dykinson and UNED. Speaker at various national and international conferences and seminars organised by prestigious associations such as FES, ICA, ECREA and ICORIA, among others. His lines of research in recent years have focused on the development of methods for advanced discourse analysis from the perspective of manipulation and deception.

Main areas of research: methodology, systems of indicators, sociology of advertising, social responsibility, regulation and self-regulation in advertising.
H-index: 10

Clara Muela Molina, Rey Juan Carlos University

Clara Muela Molina is holds a PhD degree in Advertising and Public Relations (1996) from the Complutense University of Madrid. Author of the book La publicidad radiofónica en España (“Radio Advertising in Spain”) (2001), and co-author of two teaching manuals and several book chapters, including eEspaña. Informe Anual sobre el Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información en España (“Annual Report on the Development of the Information Society in Spain”).

She has directed and participated in conferences and seminars and has delivered communication papers in prominent national and international conferences. Since 2002, she has collaborated in national and regional research projects funded by pre-competitive and competitive calls and has directed two projects with companies via article 83. Leader of two competitive projects of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, as part of its National R&D Programme for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society: “Misleading radio advertising of health-related products” (CSO2014-55804-R) and “Social Responsibility, Advertising Self-regulation and Health in the Radio” (CSO2017-82267-R) in the 2014 and 2017 calls, respectively.

Member of the international France-based research group specialised in radio: GRER (Groupe de Recherches et d'études sur la radio) since 2009. Member of the Methaodos research group of the Rey Juan Carlos University since its creation in 2013. Former collaborator as external evaluator in the main journals of communication (Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Convergencia, Palabra Clave, Zer, Comunicación y Sociedad, Trípodos, Pensar la Publicidad and Questiones publicitarias). Author of articles published in journals indexed in the major databases like JCR and Scopus (Journalism, Journal of Marketing Communications, European Journal of Communication, Business Research Quaterly, Journal of Global Marketing, Psychology of Music, Comunication & Society, Convergencia, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico,, Palabra Clave and Revista Latina de Comunicación Social).

Main lines of research: radio advertising; illicit advertising; advertising regulation and self-regulation; advertising music; social responsibility.
H-index: 9

Mª Victoria Campos Zabala, University Rey Juan Carlos

María Victoria Campos Zabala holds BA and PhD degrees in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Former Professor at the SEK-IE University (Segovia) and the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid. Temporary Full Professor at the Department of Communication and Sociology of the School of Communication Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid.

He has directed several national and international conferences and participated as speaker in various conferences, workshops and seminars on communication. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Revista Doxa Comunicación of the CEU San Pablo University.

Former member of the team led by Salomé Berrocal: “Political infotainment in television and the Internet. Formats, audiences and consequences in Spanish political communication”. Member of the research team carrying out the project “Study of the influence of parliaments, the media and social networks in the development of 6 armed conflicts. Comparative analysis based on big data”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and led by Rosa Berganza Conde (Rey Juan Carlos Universidad, 30/12/2016-29/12/2019).

Main lines of research: communicative management, media/power relationship, analysis of media effects, public opinion and political communication, disinformation, intelligence, security and defence.

H-index: 2


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How to Cite

Perelló Oliver , S. ., Muela Molina, C., & Campos Zabala, M. V. (2018). Brand personification in radio advertising. Analysis of the presence and use of the figure of the spokesperson. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 1163–1178.




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