Innovation in European public broadcasters: immersive narratives and organization of 360- degree contents on digital platforms
Periodismo inmersivo, nuevas narrativas, televisiones públicas europeas, 360 grados, YouTubeAbstract
The implementation of immersive narratives in the media has resulted in new forms of production and distribution. The paper presents an analysis of the organization strategies for 360-degree video contents carried out by European public broadcasters through their platforms. Method. It has been carried out an observation and collection of data on immersive narratives in non-fiction contents from webpages and YouTube channels of European PSM, in order to identify strategies for organization and identification of 360º videos and to assess their relevance in dissemination. Quantitative techniques have been used, as well as an analysis sheet to examine a total of 27 websites and 32 YouTube channels. Results and conclusions. The study concludes that the two platforms play a key role as dissemination channels. Also, both of them implement a strategic planning aimed at highlighting these videos, although YouTube leads the way.
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