Cyberactivism and social movements. The Oppositional Public Space in contemporary technopolitics
Cyberactivism, social movements, public space, communication theory, 15M, yo soy 132Abstract
The digital revolution has dramatically changed the conventional system of political representation and media, contributing to cultural changes in the public sphere that require a different conceptualization of the social mediation process. The momentous changes of participatory democracy in networks with new information technologies validate today, the existence of a new information ecosystem that makes it possible for the so-called oppositional public space (OPS). In the new mediatic culture, the communication process is fully released itself from the coordinates and historical restrictions of the traditional political culture, facilitating collective action of new urban movements. Complex cyberspace environments and technological networks demand within this framework a critical research able to describe and understand the conditions of e-world postmodern sociotechnics from practices and representations of the new imagery of contemporary technopolitics. The Communication Theory has not reconsidered however the notion to the use of public space to the emerging forms of exchange and collective action. This paper presents a conceptual proposal that, from the critical school, redefines ongoing processes such as the 15M or social movements like Yo soy 132 from a structural analysis of the economic, political and social theory of mediation.
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