Television audience and memory: the case study of the Chilean drama series Los archivos del cardenal




Television series, representation, identity, historical memory, audiovisual narrative


Set during the Chilean military dictatorship, Los archivos del cardenal (“The Cardinal’s Files”) is a two-season-long fictional television series that was produced by Chile’s public channel TVN and broadcast in 2011 and 2014, respectively. Objectives. This article examines the impact of the series’ realistic depiction of the Chilean military dictatorship on audience’s historical memory and perception of the recent past. Methods. The study is based on a focus group composed of twenty-eight viewers of the television series and the analysis of participants’ discourses, performed from a cognitive and psychological perspective, within the framework of perceptive memory between real history and fiction. Conclusions. Viewers had the opportunity to talk about the contents of the fictional series and to evaluate the episodes as educational material to learn about the recent history of the country.



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Author Biography

Miguel Alejandro Chamorro Maldonado, University of Viña del Mar

Miguel Alejandro Chamorro Maldonado holds a PhD degree in Communication and Journalism from the Department of Communication and Journalism of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and a master’s degree in Cultural Management from the University of Playa Ancha (Chile), and a Diploma in Cinematographic Studies, from the University of Valparaiso (Chile).

Beneficiary of the Advanced Human Capital Fellowship (in 2012), awarded by Chile’s National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, CONICYT, to develop its doctoral research project in Barcelona.

Participant in several scientific communication conferences. Working along Lorenzo Vilches at the International Television Observatory (OITVE), a university publishing and consulting platform focused on television and digital media at international level.

Communications advisor at the Extension Center of the University of Valparaiso. Member of the Observatory for the Classification of Toxic Hazards and Risks (Observatox-UV). Associate researcher at the Chilean Pharmacopoeia Centre. His research works focused on the areas of social participation in online communication, historical memory, fiction television and transmedia narratives.


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How to Cite

Chamorro Maldonado, Miguel Alejandro. 2018. “Television audience and memory: the case study of the Chilean drama series Los archivos del cardenal”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 73 (April):688-99.


