Web 2.0 and informational treatment in the principal Spanish magazines of scientific and pseudoscientific contents





Scientific journalism, pseudoscience, paper press, web 2.0, cyberjournalism, scientific divulgation


The research analyzes 6 scientific and pseudoscientific magazines in terms of web 2.0 tool usage and informational treatment. Methodology. The digital ecosystem of the journals is explored and described, and subsequently a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of 232 units is elaborated. This sample is probabilistic and selected randomly from a universe of 1,434 publications of the journal web, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram accounts. Results and conclusions. The results show that use of 2.0 resources is basic and features of social networks are hardly exploited. In addition, although many images are used, news are not accompanied by videos, info-graphics or other types of interactive resources. The information treatment presents a need of improvement, more news should be accompanied by their authorship and the source of images more often captioned.


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Author Biographies

Santiago Tejedor Calvo, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Interim Associated Professor of the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. PhD in Journalism and Communication Sciences by UAB (Extraordinary Doctorate Award

-2006) with a dissertation about teaching of cyberjournalism in Spain and PhD in Projects’ Engineering by Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) with a dissertation about Web 2.0 in Ibero-America. He is member of the research group Communication and Education Cabinet of the UAB. He has participated in several researches funded by competitive public convocations (both Spanish and European), related to Media Literacy and citizen participation: “DINAMIC, Development of mediatic alphabetization indicators  of individual, corporate and citizens’ nature” (2012-2014); “Showing films and other audio-visual content in European Schools - Obstacles and best practices” (2013-2014); “EMEDUS, European Media Literacy Education Study” (2012-2014). He has done research stays in Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín (Colombia), Universidad Latina de San José (Costa Rica) and Universidad Centroamericana de Managua (Nicaragua). He has the honorary title of “Egregius Educator”, granted by the Management Superior Council of Universidad de Ciencias Comerciales (UCC) of Managua (Nicaragua) and the acknowledgement as “Distinguished guest” by Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras. His research lines are specially focused in cyberjournalism, mediatic convergence and the new transmedia narratives.

Marta Portalés-Oliva, Autonomous University of Barcelona

She graduated of Audiovisual Communication in the University of Valencia between 2009 and 2013, she studied a year through the International Program in York University Toronto (Canada) and a year of Erasmus in the Johannes Gutenberg Universität of Maguncia (Germany).

After graduating from the Official Master’s Degree of Research on Communication and Journalism in Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona in 2014, she was granted a scholarship for Research Staff Training to study the Doctorate on Journalism and Communication in that same university.

She belongs to the research group Communication and Education Cabinet. Her research lines are focused on mediatic alphabetization and the study of image. 

Silvia Pueyo Villa , European Atlantic University

Academic Director and Professor of the Department of Applied Languages, Translation and Education of Universidad Europea del Atlántico (Santander), and professor of the Department of Language, Education and Communication Sciences of Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de Puerto Rico. She is PhD in Education Sciences by Universidad de Barcelona with a dissertation about self-regulating processes generated by the elaboration of an educational portfolio.

Her research lines are focused in teacher’s education, the acquisition and learning of foreign languages and educational communication.


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How to Cite

Tejedor Calvo, Santiago, Marta Portalés-Oliva, and Silvia Pueyo Villa. 2018. “Web 2.0 and informational treatment in the principal Spanish magazines of scientific and pseudoscientific contents”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 73 (February):293-316. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2018-1256.


