Guidelines for the cultural and political integration of the mass media society into the network society




Personal communication: social networks, digital democracy, indirect democracy, mass culture, digital culture, television audiences


 The purpose of this work is to verify whether the digital culture is continuing the pattern of mass culture, which is disseminated by analogue means, or if it is initiating a new cultural model in digital networks. If the latter is the case, it will also be verified whether or not different models correspond to different frameworks for the institutionalization of political activity, and what type of links connect the two. Methodology: The observations must verify whether there is a change of trend in the consumption of the culture industry in a given period. The methodology collects homogeneous statistical data that allow for the verification, both comparatively and quantitatively, of whether a direction is maintained during a prolonged interval. Three hypotheses are discussed: continuity between mass culture and digital culture; stability of mass culture through the convergence between television audiences and networks through different media; and discontinuity due to a rupture between the networks and the preceding mass culture. Results and conclusions: Conclusions: the available data confirm convergence as a consistent hypothesis. Television audiences increased until 2013. Since February 2013, a more evident fall has been observed among the target groups of children and adolescents than among the mature and adult target groups, with an increase in television audiences among seniors. The fluctuations are insufficient to identify a significant decline.


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Author Biographies

Luis Núñez Ladevéze, San Pablo CEU University

Director Excellence in Teaching & Learning at ESIC Business&Marketing School and postgraduate professor Camilo José Cela University. PhD from the San Pablo CEU University.Postgraduate lecturer at Camilo José Cela University. Doctorate from University CEU San Pablo. University of Rotterdam studies: Master in Law and Economics. Harvard University, (Complutense Royal College). Reseacher in Economics department in collaboration with the University of Warwick, United Kingdom, and the University of Laaperenta, Finland. Lecturer of Management abilities of the Property Companies Management Master. Lecturer of the Faculty of Law and Business of Antonio Nebrija University.

Margarita Núñez Canal , ESIC Business School

Doctorate (PhD) in the Departments of Economics and Social Communication at University San Pablo CEU. Graduate Professor UCJC, researcher in entrepreneur programs. Master’s Degree in Law & Economics (University of Rotterdam), Euroforum-INSEAD. Management Development Program 2011-2012 at IE Business School, Post-Graduate in Executive Coaching; 2013-2014. USP-CEU, Researcher - Department of Economics with Universities of Warwick (UK) and Laaperenta (Finland). Professor of the Master’s Degree Program in Management of Real Estate Companies, UPM (ETSAM). Professor at the University Antonio de Nebrija.

José Antonio Irisarri Núñez, ESIC Business School

Reserch professor at ESIC Business & Marketing School and Associate professor at Villanueva University Centre (Centro Universitario Villanueva), which is affiliated with Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), and he is also a professor in the Masters Degree Programme in Corporate Communication at the TRACOR Institute. He holds a PhD in Communications from San Pablo-CEU University (2013), a Masters Degree in Economics and Business Management (MBA) from IESE - Universidad de Navarra (1988), and a Law Degree as well. Professor Irisarri participates in research projects, some of which include the following: Programme of Activities on Digital Vulnerability (PROVULDIG:.H2015/HUM-3434). Auctoritas Doméstica, “Digital Training and Community Education in Families with School-age Children: CSO2013-42166-R;  and the coordinated project CONVERED, Ref. CSO2016-74980-C2-1-R, “From Mass Culture to Social Networks: Media Convergence in the Digital Society”. Professor of ESIC Business&Marketing School


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How to Cite

Núñez Ladevéze, L., Núñez Canal , M. ., & Irisarri Núñez, J. A. . (2018). Guidelines for the cultural and political integration of the mass media society into the network society. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (73), 184–207., 73-2018-1252


