Individualism as an improvised strategy in the dispersion of jihadist videos in YouTube




Youtube, terrorism, jihadism, virality, video, propaganda


The jihadist global movement changes its mechanics of ideological diffusion when amplifying its message thanks to the viral expansion on social networks and the role of individual users. Methodology: This study analyses a total of 234 videos collected from the searches with more visualizations using four definitions considered by the UN about the jihadist organization Jabhat al Nusrah, which changed its name on July 2016 to Jabhat Fateh Al Sham. Results and conclusions: We confirm that jihadist organizations do not have the capacity to fully control their discourse on YouTube due to the huge spreading and to the role of individual users in the generation of new contents that easily avoid the platform’s restrictions. Besides, we conclude that the accessible videos are of amateur, violent type, with jihadist aesthetic, without barely any postproduction process and with scarce presence of traditional media acting as amplifiers for the violent discourse.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Gallardo-Camacho, Camilo Jose Cela University

Jorge Gallardo is PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Advertisement scored with Outstanding Cum Laude by Universidad de Málaga, MBA in TV companies by Universidad de Salamanca and National First Prize of Audiovisual Communication in Spain. His research line includes Internet, television and social networks. He has published around ten articles in journals of scientific impact and several monographic papers such as the book La televisión tradicional quiere gobernar Internet, he is certified as Associate Professor by ANECA and has a six-year research period acknowledged by CNEAI. Currently, he teaches in Universidad Camilo José Cela and in several University Master studies in URJC, UCM, Nebrija and USJ; a task he combines with the practice of audiovisual communication in his role as Subdirector of the program Espejo Público in Antena 3 Televisión.


Ana Jorge Alonso, University of Málaga

Since her entrance in the University she delves in a general research line that studies the relationships between power and communication from a critical perspective, and that deepens, at the same time, in the field of Women Studies. The publication on 2004 of Mujeres en los medios, mujeres de los medios. Imagen y presencia femenina en las televisiones públicasCanal Sur TV by Editorial Icaria, of great tradition in the field of gender issues, has been included as reference document in Gender Studies, in several university and institutional repositories both Spanish and foreign. Between 2003 and 2009 she coordinates the Doctoral Program on Communication and Power of Universidad de Málaga, where she is responsible for a teaching and research line on «Women Studies on Communication».

The stay on 2005 in Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II is related to the consideration of communication as one of the vertexes of power relationships between the center and the periphery, where the Mediterranean plays a peripheral role in message production. This study originates in a research award of the Andalusian Film Library about the market of cinematographic display which confirms the penetration level of North American multinational companies in the Spanish and Andalusian market. 

The concern about the knowledge of aspects that limit the material conditions for the practice of the right for equality in communication processes has widened her research interest towards migrations and cooperation. She works in different cooperation projects, both in teaching and research, in several countries of Latin America. The conjunction of the communication for development with the gender perspective was the framework of the first stay (2006) in La Paz (Bolivia) in Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar and in  Universidad Mayor de San Andrés; institution with which she still collaborates through the Research Centre and Post-Graduate Studies on Development Sciences (CIDES).

She develops an analysis line of the informative treatment of violence against women where she conducted, besides another five, the research titled “Violence and media. The treatment of violence against women on TV news programs. The proximity to the fact”, by Lourdes Rivilla (2010).

Likewise, she participates in the excellence project of the Andalusian Government “Observatory of the informative treatment for gender violence with special focus on ethnic/ cultural identity”, and conducts, for a two-year period, the project called “Gender violence: communicative strategies and practices for the empowerment of women” in cooperation with Instituto Universitario de la Mujer de la Universidad San Carlos of Guatemala.

Currently, she participates in the research project of the R+D+i National Plan “The research system in Spain about social practices on communication. Maps of projects, groups, lines, study objects and methods (MapCom)” (2013-47933-C4-3-P).


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How to Cite

Gallardo-Camacho, J., Trujillo Fernández, F. R., & Jorge Alonso, A. (2018). Individualism as an improvised strategy in the dispersion of jihadist videos in YouTube. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 19–36.


