Occupational accidents and their prevention in the Spanish digital press





Occupational accidents, prevention, text mining, online press, framing


Occupational accidents and their prevention have become a serious day-to-day human, social and economic problem for businesses, while the news media have traditionally tended to give central coverage to fatal work accidents. The objective of this article is to study how born-digital newspapers address this issue. Methods. The study is based on the content analysis of media framing by text mining techniques of a sample of news pieces related to the work accidents and their prevention, published over a period of two years and seven months, by five of the main digital newspapers in Spain. Results and conclusions. Evidence shows that digital news media respond reactively to workplace accidents, just like their print counterparts, although there are important differences in the treatment of this subject according to the editorial line of each online newspaper.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Arce García, International University of La Rioja

Sergio Arce García holds a PhD degree in Humanities and Communication from the University of Burgos. His doctoral thesis focused on the treatment of occupational risk prevention in the media. Professor at the International University of La Rioja in the MA degree programmes in Occupational risk prevention and Management systems. Member of the TR3S-i research group of the International University of La Rioja, which focuses on liquid work and occupational risks. Author of book chapters and journal articles. Speaker at various Spanish and Latin American conferences on work accident prevention and the media.

Natalia Orviz Martínez, International University of La Rioja

Natalia Orviz Martínez holds a PhD degree in Economics from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. Professor at the International University of La Rioja in the MA degree programmes in Occupational risk prevention and Management systems. Member of the TR3S-i research group of the International University of La Rioja, which focuses on liquid work and occupational risks. Author of various articles published in Spanish journals and conference papers on occupational risk prevention and business economics.

Tatiana Cuervo Carabel, International University of La Rioja

Tatiana Cuervo Caravel holds a PhD degree in Business Economics and Finance from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. Professor at the International University of La Rioja in the MA degree programmes in Occupational risk prevention and Integrated management systems. Member of the TR3S-i research group of the International University of La Rioja, which focuses on liquid work and occupational risks. Author of various journal articles and conference papers on occupational risk prevention and business economics.

Iván Fernández Suárez, International University of La Rioja

Iván Fernández Suárez holds a PhD degree in Occupational risk prevention from the Public University of Navarra. Professor at the International University of La Rioja, in the MA degree programmes in Occupational risk prevention and Management systems. Member of the TR3S-i research group of the International University of La Rioja, which focuses on liquid work and occupational risks. Head of Accident Prevention at the Lacera group. Author of scientific publications and participant in national and international conferences.


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How to Cite

Arce García, S., Orviz Martínez, N., Cuervo Carabel, T., & Fernández Suárez, I. (2017). Occupational accidents and their prevention in the Spanish digital press. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 1608–1625. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2017-1237


