Technology and death. Post-mortem survival in the age of social media




Real, virtual, technology, death, communication


Aiming to transcend the binary system, the article raises questions that demonstrate the coexistence of categories that configure a narrative tension around the technology and death. Methods and discussion: Based on a theoretical review, the article addresses manifestations of death in virtual environments which, turning the experiencing of absence into presence, account for substantial transformations in communication processes. Results and conclusions: The ease with which the living can interact with the transmissible traces of the dead proves that technology not only breaks down the barriers of distance but also the barriers of death, restoring it as a social diachronic exchange.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Mazzetti Latini Carolina Mazzetti Latini, Center for Research and Study on Culture and Society

Mazzetti Latini Carolina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Communication from the National University of Córdoba (Argentina). Student of the Master’s degree programme in Sociology and the PhD in Social Communications from the same University. Currently Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow at the National Scientific and Technological Research Council of Argentina (CONICET).

Paulina-Beatriz Emanuelli, National University of Cordoba

Paulina-Beatriz Emanuelli holds Bachelor’s degrees in Information Sciences and Social Communication from the National University of Córdoba, a PhD degree in Information Science from the University of La Laguna (Spain), and a Postdoctoral studies degree from the Advanced Studies Centre of the National University of Córdoba.

Professor at the postgraduate level in the areas of Research methods in social sciences, Research in applied communication and Communication for development in different areas.

Member of the National Evaluators System, as Category II National Researcher. Secretary of University Policies in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Argentine Nation. Frequent participant in committees for the categorisation and assessment of research teams and projects for different national universities as part of the National Incentive Programme and for the National Scientific and Technological Research Council of Argentina (CONICET).

Former and current leader of several research teams at both universities. Thesis supervisor of master’s and PhD students in national and foreign universities. Participant in numerous examination committees for the competitive selection of teaching staff, and theses to obtain graduate and postgraduate degrees.

Speaker in numerous national and international conferences. Author of several publications, including books, book chapters and articles in national and international journals.

Work experience in university management as elected Director of the School of Information Sciences of the National University of Córdoba (2005-2008 and 2008-2011). Two-period member of the Board of Directors of FADECCOS and the Board of Directors of RED COM, both of which are national communication degree programmes networks. Vice President of the Ibero-American Network of Social Communication (RAIC) and founding member of the Latina Society of Social Communication.

As Deputy Minister in the Federal Council of Audiovisual Communication, created by the 26522 Act on Audiovisual Services, on behalf of the universities that offer Social communication degrees.

Cruz Alberto Martínez Arcos, Autonomous University of Tamaulipas

Cruz Alberto Martínez Arcos holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Public Relations from the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (México), a Master’s degree in Media and Communications from Goldsmiths College, University of London (England), and a PhD degree in Communication, from Birkbeck, University of London (England).

Full-time professor in the areas of communication and public administration of the School of Law and Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, since 2014. Professor of Interpersonal communication, Non-verbal communication, Research methods, and Development of theoretical perspectives in Communication at the undergraduate level. Professor of Public opinion, research seminar and dissertation seminars at the postgraduate levels.

In the area of research, he is member of Mexico’s National Researcher System (SNI) (January 2016-January 2019), member of the "Social Communication” research group (UAT-CA-122) of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas and, since January 2016, Research Coordinator of the School of Law and Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas.
His current research areas are analysis of educational policies, media representations of vulnerable groups and organised crime and political communication. Author of several journal articles, including: The Effectiveness of Mexico’s Faculty Improvement Program (Promep) in Public State Universities (Education Policy Analysis Archives – EPAA, 2015).



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How to Cite

Carolina Mazzetti Latini, C. M. L., Emanuelli, P.-B., & Martínez Arcos, C. A. . (2017). Technology and death. Post-mortem survival in the age of social media. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (72), 1205–1217.




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