Image of U.S. presidential candidates in Spanish digital ‘press’




political communication, public image, mass media, digital press, U.S. presidential elections, leaders, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton


This paper analyzes the projected image of USA presidential election by main Spanish newspaper, thus the power of media on public opinion is shown. Hyphotesis and objectives. Personal characteristics and candidates’ dramatization in electoral campaign catch more attention of Spanish people. Precisely, the geographical distance increases the influence of mass media on candidates’ perception but consumption of information is a relevant factor in this way. Methods. Content analysis is used to support the research, specifically 817 online news from el (448) and (369) for the period from1th June to 8th November of 2016. Searching of targeted news was based on keywords “Trump” and “Clinton” in the headline or the sub-headline. Results. Trump was the candidate who was featured more headlines. Regarding information processing, informative headlines (55.6%) were predominant compared to 21.2% which were appellation and 23.3% of impact. Both digital newspapers were generally against Trump in accordance with the approach of the information. Conclusions. Media have an important role in creation scenarios; moreover, they are a key agent in construction of the candidate’s image.


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Author Biographies

Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa, University of Málaga

Full Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Málaga, where is the former Vice President of Institutional Relations and the Rector’s Office, Head of the Rector’s Office and Deputy Director-General for Communications. Current co-director of the Master’s degree programme in Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication. His teaching and research work focuses on institutional communication and corporate communication, especially in the tourism and higher education sectors.

Guest research professor at the universities of Miami (USA), Sheffield, Cardiff and Leeds (UK).

Visiting Professor in the PhD programs of the University of Guadalajara (Mexico), Barinas, Zulia and Oriente (Venezuela)

Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano, University of Málaga

Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano holds a Bachelor’s and Doctoral degrees in Journalism (1996 and 2004). Since 2003, Professor at the School of Communication Sciences of the University of Malaga, where he teaches corporate and institutional communication. He is also a Professor in the MA programme in Political and Institutional Communication of the Ortega and Gasset Foundation and MA degree in Strategic Communication Management and Innovation of the University of Cádiz.

Between March 2011 and September 2014, Director of the Communication department of the International University of Andalusia (UNIA). Communications director of the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP) for several years.

In recent years, he has published two studies on the use of social networks in universities and digital communication policies: “Hacia la comunicación 2.0. El uso de las redes sociales por las universidades españolas” (“Towards communication 2.0. Use of social networks by Spanish universities”), in Icono 14, and “La incorporación de los departamentos de comunicación de las universidades españolas al entorno digital. Un análisis cuantitativo” (“Incorporation of the communication departments of Spanish universities in the digital environment. A quantitative analysis”), in Estudio del Mensaje Periodístico.
Author of other articles of interest, including: “Incentivar el emprendimiento periodístico desde la Universidad” (“Encouraging journalistic entrepreneurship at the University”) (2014) and “Las elecciones autonómicas andaluzas de 2012 en la prensa nacional: Análisis de la cobertura de Abc, El Mundo y El País” (“The 2012 regional elections in Andalusia in the national press: analysis of the coverage of AbcEl Mundo and El País”) (2013), both in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social.

Coordinator of annual report of the journalistic profession (Informe anual de la profesión periodística) of the Press Association of Madrid, between 2006 and 2011. He has participated as researcher and coordinator in the R&D project: “Critical analysis of the media system: credibility and impact on citizenship”. In 2012, he participated in The Global Journalist in the 21st Century, edited by David H. Weaver and Lars Willnat, with the chapter “Journalists in Spain” (in collaboration).

Currently involved as researcher in the R&D projects of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: “Use and influence of social media and communication 2.0 in tourism decision-making and the branding of destinations. Applications of utility for Spanish tourist destinations”; “Credibility in the Andalusian media system. Citizens’ trust in audiovisual media” (project SEJ-8073); and the educational innovation projects of the University of Málaga”: Development of personal learning environments in the teaching of journalism through the integration of web 2.0 resources” (PIE 13-044) and “Research and Learning of Media and Communications Management “, of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Carmen Jambrino Maldonado, University of Málaga

Doctor Carmen Jambrino-Maldonado is Professor of marketing and market research. Former director and current member of the “Marketing for small and medium-sized enterprises” research group, which is financed by the Government of Andalucía. Postgraduate programme coordinator and professor of communication and strategic marketing at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
He has attended various international conferences. Author of works published in various journals such as the European Journal of Management and Economy of the Enterprise and Education and Training. Reviewer for several international journals. Her research interests focus on open innovation, fundraising strategies, entrepreneurship and collaborative learning.

Patricia Iglesias Sánchez, University of Málaga

Patricia P. Iglesias Sánchez holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Málaga. She has combined her academic and scientific career with her professional work in the private sector for five years, which provides her with a broad view about the business.

Her main lines of research are: technological companies, impact of R&D activities, entrepreneurship, open innovation and marketing in small and medium-sized enterprises. Author of numerous works published in journals and delivered in national and international conferences.


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How to Cite

de las Heras Pedrosa, C., Paniagua Rojano, F. J., Jambrino Maldonado, C., & Iglesias Sánchez, P. (2017). Image of U.S. presidential candidates in Spanish digital ‘press’. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 975–997.




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