Branded Web-Serie as an Advertising Strategy. The #EncuentraTuLugar case




Marketing Content, Online Marketing, Advertising, Video-marketing, Web-Serie, branded content


Hybridization and communicative convergence encourage new advertising formats derived from the growing consumption of the new audiovisual trend, online and serial. The base of the study is the Spanish webseries #EncuentraTuLugar created by the agency Neurads for international property consultant Jones Lang Salle. The aim is to know characteristics involved, perception of promotors as well as impact. Methods: It was required the Methodological triangulation to consider the three dimensions of the phenomenon: ​​in-depth interviews with creators, producers and advertisers; content analysis of the stories contained and quantitative analysis of social interactions. Results: Reveal the positive perception of advertiser and agency performance and identify advantages in content creation to keep up to date corporate communication channels.


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Author Biographies

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra, International University of La Rioja

PhD in Communication and Graduate in Advertisement and Public Relations by Universidad de Alicante (Spain). Associate Professor of Universidad de La Rioja (Spain). Technical editor of Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación, collaborator of the research group Comunicación y Públicos Específicos (Communication and Specific Publics) as well as member of AEIC, PLATCOM and RELAIP.

Victoria Tur-Viñes, University of Alicante

PhD in Sociology and Graduate in Psychology. Full Professor of Universidad de Alicante (Spain). Professor of advertisement creativity. Author of Comunicación publicitaria de juguetes en televisión (Advertisement communication of toys in television) (2004) and Marketing Infantil (Children’s Marketing) (2008). Main Researcher of the group Comunicación e Infancia (Communication and Childhood). Founder associate of AEIC and SLCS and associate of FISEC and AIJIC. Vicepresident of Kids & Com. Director of Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación.

Cristina del-Pino-Romero, Carlos III University

Doctor in Information Sciences from the University of Malaga. Professor of advertising communication at the Carlos III University of Madrid. She has been a researcher at the Cultural Research Laboratory and at the Project: “Analysis of the audiovisual diet and its role in the construction of reality and the imaginary.” Currently, she is a researcher at the COMPUBES research group and Tecmerin.


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How to Cite

Segarra-Saavedra, Jesús, Victoria Tur-Viñes, and Cristina del-Pino-Romero. 2017. “Branded Web-Serie as an Advertising Strategy. The #EncuentraTuLugar case”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 72 (July):883-96.




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