Augmented Reality for Learning in People with Down Syndrome: an exploratory study




Augmented Reality, intellectual disability, learning, technology, Down Syndrome


The Augmented reality is a booming technology in the fields of communication, education, medicine, marketing, architecture or entertainment, but it is still targeted to hegemonic publics. The objective of this research is to explore its utility in the communication and learning of people with Down Syndrome.  Methodology: Therefore, an AR experience was designed, executed and evaluated and consisted in the visit of three groups of subjects with this pathology to two museums in the city of Bilbao, assisted by a mobile application. Results and conclusions: Results show that a greater level of cognitive maturity and previous use of CITs influenced in a better user experience, but are not determinant. This technology is useful for moving around public spaces, which enables autonomy and, consequently, a better quality of life. The visual component is rather helpful in maintaining attention, acquiring information and long-term memory, which suggests the need to develop tools and implement specific programs for these individuals.


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Author Biographies

Rosa-María Martín-Sabarís, University of the País Vasco

Rosa María Martín-Sabarís is Associate Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertisement of Universidad del País Vasco.  Bachelor in Information Sciences (1987) and Doctor in Communication Sciences (1997) by Universidad del País Vasco.

She is professor of “Forms of the documentary discourse” and “Workshop for making documentaries” in the Graduate studies of Audiovisual Communication. She teaches “Qualitative research methodologies on communication” in the Master of Social Communication and “Workshop of corporate video” in the Master of Corporate Communication.

She participated in different research projects related to the process of news production, professional sociology of journalists, electoral communication and image of immigration, themes she has written about in diverse publications. She is member of the Research Group Bitartez-IT1081-16, of the Basque University System conducted by Professor María José Cantalapiedra.

Author of the Book ‘Estilo de la Radio Televisión Pública Vasca-EITB’, together with María José Cantalapiedra and Begoña Zalbidea.  She has performed diverse management positions and has been Director of ZER, a journal of studies on communication.

Gerardo Brossy-Scaringi, University of the País Vasco

Doctorate Student in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU). He has developed research applied to technological innovation and has participated in several research groups in Broadcasting Engineering, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. National Professor in Cinematography and New Media by Universidad Patagónica de Artes (Argentina). Postgraduate in Engineering by Universidad de Palermo (Argentina) and Master on Social Communication by Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU). He did research stays in NHK Broadcaster, Tokyo (Japan).


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How to Cite

Martín-Sabarís, Rosa-María, and Gerardo Brossy-Scaringi. 2017. “Augmented Reality for Learning in People with Down Syndrome: an exploratory study”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 72 (June):737-50.


