Political opinion in the Spanish newspapers. Analysis of the period General Elections campaign in Spain, 2015





general spanish elections 2015, journalist of opinión, opinion essay, opinión makers, political communication, political opinion


This article is part of the results obtained by the author during his doctorate research entitled “Opinar de política, mediatizar democracias. El storytelling de la opinión política en los medios de comunicación españoles y los nuevos escenarios transmediáticos para la acción social”. Methodology. This research it’s an original approach about the construction of public opinion by the leading newspapers in the Spanish General Elections of 2015 context and based on the quantitative analysis and methodologies of content analysis about the opinion articles. Results and conclusions. With this analysis it’s possible to map the representation of the thought on politics expressed by the opinion makers. The analysis of this published opinion about politics has allowed us to form an image about those actors who have participated as opinion makers, the topics that have been dealt with, the form and context and the way they have been presented and, in sum, the scenario proposed by the written press’ opinion in the public debate involving the electoral political context.


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Author Biographies

Marc Blasco-Duatis, Universitat of Girona

Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universitat de Girona (Catalonia / Spain).

Master in Communication and Journalism by the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Researcher in Training (IF-UdG) and PhD in Political Communication from the GRECS Research Group of the University of Girona.

Researcher in the line of "New Technologies and social uses" coordinated by Profesora Dr Isabel Ferin Cunha of the "Center for Media Research and Journalism" (Portugal). Grant from the program "Santander Iberoamerica de Investigación 2016".

His research lines focus on the study of political communication, transmedia, the impact of new technologies on the educational environment and the analysis of the opinion-makers in the spaces of political debate in the media.

Nuria Fernández García, Autonomous University of Barcelona

PhD in Communication and Journalism from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), degree in Political Sciences and Administration (UAB). She also holds the title of university expert in Equal Opportunity Agent (UNED) and a certificate of competence in Women's Studies by Berkeley City College (United States).

She has participated in scientific congresses in Spain, Portugal, Germany, Ireland, England, Romania, the United States or Mexico.

Her research experience includes participation in the European Media Literacy Education Study (EMEDUS) and Study on Assessment Criteria on Media Literacy Levels, both projects funded by the European Commission, and her participation in the project Development of Individual Media Literacy Indicators, Corporate and Citizens (DINAMIC), a project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

She is currently part of the research team of the Communication and Education Cabinet of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Isabel Cunha, University of Coimbra

She holds a BA in History from the Faculty of Arts of Lisbon (1974), Master (1984) and PhD (1987) in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo, Brazil and Post-Doctorate in France (CNRS 1991). Lecturer at the University of São Paulo 1983-1991 and at the Catholic University of Lisbon, 1992-2002.

She is currently an associate professor at the University of Coimbra (Portugal). She was vice-president of the Center for Research in Media and Journalism (2004-2006) and has coordinated some projects approved by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation.

She coordinated, from 2003 to 2007, a research team that developed the project "Media, Immigration and Ethnic Minorities" with the support of the High Commissioner for Immigration and Ethnic Minorities (ACIME).

She coordinates since 2006 the Portuguese section of the project of the International Observatory of Ibero-American fiction. It integrates the project "Inclusion and Digital Participation" developed by the New University of Lisbon, the University of Porto and the University of Austin in Texas (2009-2011).

Her areas of interest are: Analysis of communication (press and television); Audiences, society and reception; Television fiction (Tv soap opera and Series) and Political Communication.


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How to Cite

Blasco-Duatis, Marc, Nuria Fernández García, and Isabel Cunha. 2017. “Political opinion in the Spanish newspapers. Analysis of the period General Elections campaign in Spain, 2015”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 72 (March):349-73. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2017-1169.


