e-Administration and the e-inclusion of the elderly





e-administration, the elderly, empowerment, digital literacy, digital inclusion, active aging


The use of Internet by the elderly to handle transactions with officialdom and corporations demands further in-depth study. The census data published by the INE in July 2015 confirm population aging in Spain and little use of e-administration by the oldest social group. The aim of this work is to take a close look at the reasons for this limited use of electronic administration and online procedures by older Internet users. Methodology: The causes and obstacles in the use of these processes are studied, following a strict analysis of the scientific bibliography together with the assorted surveys carried out on the issue by public and private institutions. Results and Conclusions: The results show acceptance of the use of electronic resources for the most routine and simple tasks due to the speed and convenience they offer while simultaneously promoting the autonomy and empowerment of the elderly. However, there is a series of points that have a negative effect on their use that must be addressed in order to favour greater digital inclusion of this age group; these are dealt with in the discussion of this proposal.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Viñarás-Abad, CEU San Pablo University

She holds a PhD in Communication from Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Adjunct Professor at Universidad CEU San Pablo.

Author of several books, including Basic Dictionary of Communication and also of various articles in scientific journals.

Her research will focus on the strategic management of corporate communication and its social effects. It is part of the project CSO2015-66746-R, S2015 / HUM-3434 (PROVULDIG-CM) and belongs to several professional associations such as AEIC, DIRCOM, Icono 14 or AIRP.

Mónica Viñarás-Abad, CEU San Pablo University

She holds a PhD in Communication from Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Adjunct Professor at Universidad CEU San Pablo.

Author of several books, including Basic Dictionary of Communication and also of various articles in scientific journals.

Her research will focus on the strategic management of corporate communication and its social effects. It is part of the project CSO2015-66746-R, S2015 / HUM-3434 (PROVULDIG-CM) and belongs to several professional associations such as AEIC, DIRCOM, Icono 14 or AIRP.

Leopoldo Abad-Alcalá, CEU San Pablo University

He is graduated in Journalism (UCM) and Law (UNED) and PhD in Information Sciences (UCM).

PI of the project "Digital divide and older people: media literacy and e-inclusion" (CSO2012-36872) and currently PI of the project "Elderly people, E-commerce and electronic administration" (CSO2015-66746-R), both of the National I + D + i Plan.

He is also one of the IPIs of the Digital Vulnerability Project (HUM2015 / HUM-3434 -PROVULDIG-CAM).

Author of more than 30 publications and guest lecturer in European, USA and Ibero-American universities, he combines teaching and research work at CEU San Pablo University.

Carmen Llorente-Barroso, CEU San Pablo University

She holds a PhD in Advertising and Audiovisual Communication from UCM (Complutense University of Madrid), she has devoted part of her career as a researcher in different projects with public and/or private funding.

In addition she has published several articles in indexed journals and regularly participated in a number of different professional conferences.

Her lines of research are focusing on the study of creative and strategic indicators to achieve an effective communicative, particularly oriented at vulnerable audiences.

An active member of CSO2015-66746-R, S2015/HUM-3434 (PROVULDIG-CM), R14, CEU-CITEC and ASOCREA, she is currently combining teaching at CEU San Pablo University with research.

María Sánchez-Valle, CEU San Pablo University

PhD Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.

Lecturer at CEU University in Madrid, Spain.

She is also the director and coordinator of the Masters in Public Relations and Event Management.

She currently parts of two research teams. Both of them are focused on online communication and the vulnerable public. 

She is researcher in the Programa de actividades sobre vulnerabilidad digital (Provuldig) (H2015/HUM-3434) and Auctoritas doméstica, capacitación digital y comunidad de aprendizaje en familias con menores escolarizados (CSO2013-42166-R).

Marilé Pretel-Jiménez, CEU San Pablo University

She holds a PhD in Communication from Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), Master in Marketing, Communication and Comercial Research from IDEM.

Lecturer and Vicedean at CEU San Pablo University.

She has more than 20 years experience in advertising & marketing and has worked as a Service Client Director in international companies as Y&R, TAPSA, TBWA, etc.

Her research focuses on digital, social media, consumer behavior Miembro activo de los proyectos CSO2015-66746-R y S2015/HUM-3434 (PROVULDIG-CM).


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How to Cite

Viñarás-Abad, M. ., Viñarás-Abad, M. ., Abad-Alcalá, L. ., Llorente-Barroso, C., Sánchez-Valle, M. ., & Pretel-Jiménez, M. . (2017). e-Administration and the e-inclusion of the elderly. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 197–219. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2017-1161




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