Key variables in willingness to pay for online news content: The professionals’ perspective




Media, economic model, financing, Internet, professional staff


This article analyses the potential business models that can allow the sustainable survival of news media companies through a content payment system and aims to identify the key variables that can influence consumers’ willingness to pay for online content. Methods: The study is based on in-depth interviews with professionals from the fields of communications, digital marketing and news companies, and on the review of scientific literature and reports issued by prominent organisations in the media and communications sector, concerning the commercialisation of online news content. Results: The study has confirmed that it is difficult to achieve the acceptance of a payment model for online content among Internet users, but also that it is possible to develop a model based on variables that determine the willingness of users to pay for online information. Discussion and conclusions: The success of a payment model for news content on the Internet is linked to its added value, which depends of four quality variables: specialisation, differentiation, exclusivity and accessibility.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Marta-Lazo, Universidad of Zaragoza

Full Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Zaragoza. Director of the UNIZAR Radio (, the institutional radio broadcaster of the University of Zaragoza. President of the Research Commission of the Association of University Radio Stations (ARU) of Spain.
Leader of the Digital Communication and Information Research Group (GICID) of the University of Zaragoza, which is recognised by the Government of Aragon (reference S-115), within the area of Social Sciences (Resolution BOA: 5 / 10 / 2012), and subsidised by the European Social Fund.

Former Professor at the Complutense University (1996-2005), the Francisco de Vitoria University (2004-2005) and the San Jorge University (2005-2009). Visiting Professor at University Tübingen (Germany), University of Porto and University of Minho (Portugal), University of Bordeaux and CCI of Nîmes (France), University of Cordoba (Argentina), ININCO (Venezuela) and UNAD (Colombia). Guest lecturer in the Master’s degree programme in Audiovisual Communication and Education of the International University of Andalucía; the official Master’s degree programme in Communication and Education in the Network: from the Information Society to the Knowledge Society, of the UNED, and the Master’s degree programme in Digital Information and Communication of the University of Zaragoza.

Co-editor and editorial secretary of the Mediterranean Journal of Communication. Member of the scientific committee of the Latina Journal of Social CommunicationEnl@ceIcono 14, @ticÁmbitosPangeaNovarum, among others.

Author of more than 90 publications including books, book chapters and articles in indexed journals, including: “Comunicación Digital. Un modelo basado en el Factor R-elacional” (UOC Press), “La comunicación digital en Aragón” (coord.) (Ed. Comunicación Social), “Reportaje y documental: de géneros televisivos a cibergéneros” (Ediciones Idea), “El EEES y el Proyecto Final en los Grados de Comunicación” (Fragua), “Jóvenes Interactivos. Nuevos modos de comunicarse” (coord.) (Netbiblo) o “La televisión en la mirada de los niños” (Fragua). Also author of the following JCR and SCR articles: “El uso profesional de la red social Twitter en la redacción del diario español El País” (Palabra Clave, Universidad de la Sábana), “Análisis de la competencia audiovisual de la ciudadanía española en la dimensión de recepción y audiencia” (Comunicación y Sociedad, Universidad de Navarra), “Gestión de los fondos documentales en Radio Nacional de España” (EPI), “Critical Insights in Media Liceracy Research in Spain: Educational and Political Challenges” (Medijske Studije/Media Studies, Universidad de Zagreb), “El aprendizaje-servicio, una herramienta para el desarrollo profesional de la responsabilidad social del periodista” (Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, Universidad Complutense), among others.

For more information about these publications, see:

Director of numerous scientific forums related to her research interests, based on the consumption and interactions with screens, information quality, television programming, audiovisual genres, media literacy and digital competencies.

ÍH-index: H= 15

Ana Segura-Anaya, Universidad of Zaragoza

Associate Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Zaragoza. Programming Coordinator of Aragón Radio, Regional Radio of Aragon. Content Coordinator of UNIZAR Radio (, the institutional radio broadcaster of the University of Zaragoza. Member, through UNIZAR Radio of the Association of University Radio Stations (ARU) of Spain.

Member of the Digital Communication and Information Research Group (GICID) of the University of Zaragoza, recognised by the Government of Aragon (reference S-115), within the area of Social Sciences (resolution BOA: 5/10/2012) and funded by the European Social Fund.

Associate Professor at the University of Zaragoza since 2008. Professor of Audiovisual Communication. Her professional career developed in the main public and private radio stations in Spain (RNE, SER, COPE), until her incorporation as Programming Coordinator at Aragón Radio in 2005.

Author of several scientific publications including books, book chapters and articles in indexed journals.

Natalia Martínez Oliván, Universidad of Zaragoza

Associate Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Zaragoza. Head of Contents at Aragon TV (Regional Television of Aragon)

Member of the Digital Communication and Information Research Group (GICID) of the University of Zaragoza, recognised by the Government of Aragon (reference S-115), within the area of Social Sciences (resolution BOA: 5/10/2012) and funded by the European Social Fund.

Associate Professor at the University of Zaragoza since 2015. Professor of Audiovisual Communication. Professionally, she has worked in Televisión Española, where she was writer (1988-2005), news presenter, news programmes editor, head of news and programming, and Deputy Director of the territorial centre of TVE in Aragon.

Coordinator of information services of Aragon TV (regional television of Aragon) between 2006 and 2011, and head of contents of the regional network since 2011.


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How to Cite

Marta-Lazo, C. ., Segura-Anaya, A., & Martínez Oliván, N. (2017). Key variables in willingness to pay for online news content: The professionals’ perspective. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 165–185.


