Coverage of mental health in the Colombian Press, an ongoing contribution




mental health, informative quality, stigmatization, specialized journalism


Even though the role of mass media in health promotion tasks have been widely documented, and that regarding mental health, information about prevention, treatment and successful cases of integration is rather relevant to reduce the social stigma individuals with mental disorders must bear there are scarce publications about the issue in the Colombian press. For this correlational-descriptive study, 545 journalistic notes about mental health published in 7 Colombian newspapers were analysed, using the contents analysis technique. In average, less than 1.5 daily journalistic notes related to the issue were published through an entire year among seven mass media, that is, barely 0.2 in every newspaper. Mental health themes which are more published by newspapers are addictions (65.5%) and suicidal behaviours (22.4%). Besides, it is significant that from the 545 texts analysed, only 15 have made an adequate processing of the specialized terms so that they were understood by readers of generalistic media.  This reveals a lack of knowledge about the subject from journalists, and likewise, a disability to delve into it and offer the reader a wider perspective, beyond mere facts. Therefore, it is a field that needs further working, from Journalism Faculties to the same media.


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Author Biographies

Liliana Gutiérrez-Coba, Savannah College

Doctor in Information Sciences by Universidad del País Vasco (Spain). Social Communicator and Journalist, graduated in the Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia), where she currently works as Director in the Master in Journalism and Digital Communication.

Previously, she was chief in the Area of Journalism, Director of the journal Palabra Clave and Research Coordinator of the Faculty of Communications. She has worked as chief in Communications and Marketing in Cámara Colombiana del Libro [Colombian Book Chamber], which is the organizing entity of the Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá [International Book Fair in Bogotá], and journalist from El Espectador, among some activities.

She is Director of the Research Group in Journalism, GIP, where she has done research about Informative Quality in Journalism, both analog and digital.

Andrea Salgado-Cardona, Savannah College

Member of the Research Group in Journalism, GIP, from Universidad de La Sabana. Currently, she carries out her professor career in the Master of Creative Writing in Universidad Nacional de Colombia and in the program of Creación Literatura [Literary Creation] of Universidad Central.

She specializes in helping writers in the construction processes of their narrative creations both fiction and non-fiction, as well as encouraging them to the study of different narrative subgenres that enrich their creative processes. She has worked with IDARTES (Instituto distrital de las artes), conducting different narrative workshops and currently conducts the workshop of non-fiction writing in the book store Casa Tomada.

Her education was focused in two areas: Journalism, where she obtained the bachelor’s degree as social communicator and journalist; and Creación Literatura [Literary Creation] where she got a MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in creative writing.

She is a writer and academic researcher. Her stories, chronicles, fragments of novels and articles, can be found published in different digital media, specialized journals and literary anthologies.

Víctor García Perdomo, Savannah College

Víctor García-Perdomo is professor of the Faculty of Communication from Universidad de La Sabana, in Bogotá, Colombia, and candidate to Doctor by the Texas University in Austin, United States. He got his master of Latin-American studies also in the University of Texas.

His research is focused on the impact of digital technologies in media, in journalism and audiences through a socio-technological perspective. Likewise, he has analysed the coverage of media in themes regarding mental health.

He performs part of the Digital Media Research Program (DMRP), of the Texas University, and the Research Group in Journalism (GIP), of La Sabana. He is editor of the book Manual de Géneros Periodísticos, and co-author of The Evolution of Television.

He has been director of the Master in Journalism and Digital Communication and chief of the Area of Journalism in Universidad de La Sabana. Since 2013 he is Director in Colombia of the Rosalynn Carter Scholarship for Journalism in Mental Health, leaded by Carter Center of Atlanta.

He worked for 14 years as professional journalist for different media and platforms, including the newspaper El Espectador, Univision Online, Univision Radio and Terra TV.

His professional and academic experience allowed him to work as consultant for different media companies in Colombia and Venezuela. You can contact him in Twitter at @victorgap.

Yahira Guzmán- Rossini , Savannah College

Yahira R. Guzmán-Sabogal is professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de La Sabana (Area of Psychiatry), in Bogotá, Colombia, and candidate for doctor in applied medical research, by Universidad de Navarra, in Spain.

She graduated in Medicine, with a specialization in psychiatry in Universidad Nacional de Colombia and a major in Bioethics in Universidad de La Sabana, in Colombia. She is director of the research group in psychiatry and mental health of Universidad de La Sabana.

Likewise, she has conducted researches related to the diagnoses and prevention of suicidal behaviours, education in psychiatry, electroconvulsive therapy, depression and suicide and perception of implementation of homemade plans of integral rehabilitation. 

Recently, she has developed her doctoral dissertation in quality of life of patients with Cerebrovascular accident (CVA). She has been chief in the Area of Mental Health of the Universidad de La Sabana since 2005 and Ad-honorem Professor of the Department of Psychiatry of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Since 2013 she is administrator of the Rosalynn Carter Scholarship for Journalism in Mental Health, leaded by the Carter Center of Atlanta.

She has worked for 14 years as psychiatrist at Clínica Universidad de La Sabana, coordinating the Mental Health Area


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Coba, L., Salgado-Cardona, A., García Perdomo, V. ., & Guzmán- Rossini , Y. (2017). Coverage of mental health in the Colombian Press, an ongoing contribution. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 114–128.


