Minors as creators in the digital age: from prosumer to collaborative creator. Theoretical review 1972-2016





theory, minors, digital contents, generation, prosumer


Introduction. The current article is a chronological review of theories that consider to minors as digital content creators. Theoretical framework. To achieve this it has been selected all those that contribute to defining terminology to describe the online behavior of this kind of users. Conclusions and discussion. Results can confirm that we are encountering new forms of tagging their online presence and participation. This makes that experts talk about new generations of digital content creators among which just takes time and a substantial change occurs in the way they consume and produce digital content: WhatsApp, Twitter, selfie o Snapchat generations. Therefore we wonder what really determines a new generation of young creators of digital content and propose, against excessive labeling, talk about user profiles, for what we do a compilation of their characteristics depending on the use of technology.


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Author Biographies

Paula Herrero-Diz, Loyola Andalucía University

PhD in Communication from the Universidad de Sevilla. She is a professor at the Loyola University Andalusia. She has been involved in numerous national and international congresses, and has given several conferences on media literacy, digital content, and on the participation of minors on the internet. She was a visiting scholar at the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice at Bournemouth University, U.K.. Her most recent publication: Unboxing and Brands: Youtubers phenomenon through the case study of EvanTubeHD (2016), Prisma Social: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, (1), 90-120, and is coauthor with Marina Ramos-Serrano. She is a member of the research team SEJ-558 Quokka. Studies in Communication and Positive Education. She participates in a European project on online ECO Elearning, Communication and Open-data: Massive Mobile, Ubiquitous and Open Learning. 2014-2017, European project. She is also involved in the Proyecto I+D “Representación mediática de la imagen corporal no saludable. Desarrollo de una herramienta de prevención en niños y niñas de 5 a 8 años:” Mi cuerpo me gusta” (Research and Development Project “Media Representation of Unhealthy Body Images.  The development of a prevention tool for children ages 5-8” I like my body).

Marina Ramos-Serrano, University of Sevilla

Holds a PhD in Publicity and Public Relations from the Universidad de Málaga, Spain. Associate Professor in the Communication Faculty at the Universidad de Sevilla where she lectures on creative advertising and new technologies. She has been a visiting researcher and lecturer at Depaul University (Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.), Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (Holland) and Texas Tech University (Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A.) Her main lines of investigation include communication and advertising in the digital era and branded content and blogs. Her studies have been published in academic journals such as Comunicar, Cuestiones Publicitarias and Telos, among others. Recently she has coordinated the anthology “Tecnologías de la persuasión. El uso de las TIC en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas” (UOC, 2014), a book about technology, persuasion and the use of technologies in advertising and public relations. Currently she belongs to a group researching political communication, ideology and propaganda (IDECO).

Javier Nó Sánchez, Loyola Andalucía University

Dean of Communication and Education in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at  Loyola University Andalusia. He holds a PhD in Pedagogy and is full professor of Technology of Information. He has a long academic career, of more than 25 years and notable experiencia in research and university management.  He has also been a vicerector at the Pontificia de Salamanca. Highlights from his international trajectory include projects in the field of regional development and he has also been a visiting profesor, lecturing at the doctorate level in courses at universities in Brasil, Chile, the United States, Colombia and Portugal.


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How to Cite

Herrero-Diz, P., Ramos-Serrano, M., & Nó Sánchez, J. . (2016). Minors as creators in the digital age: from prosumer to collaborative creator. Theoretical review 1972-2016. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 1301–1322. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2016-1147


