Influence factors on the success of hospital communication via social networks




Healthcare Communication, social networks, hospitals, health


The object of study for this article is online communication in Spanish hospital corporations, specifically in those centres that are more influential on Twitter. Hypothesis and objectives. We will be working with the hypothesis that hospitals demonstrate a low level of participation in social media, despite the interest shown by users. The main objective is to define the characteristics and the strategy in order to propose ideas to optimise the relationship between hospitals and citizens, by means of social networks. Methodology. The methodology followed is based, fundamentally, on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the activity on Twitter of the specialised health centres with a greater interaction. Results. Patients demonstrated an interest in the information and the activity that health centres share on their social networks, and these messages can be classified as: non-health related, or related to matters extrinsic to healthcare that also arouse considerable interest, followed by messages about prevention and health promotion, and recognition of the people that play an important role in certain hospital proceedings. Along these lines, we can state that, in general, an intimate tone is adopted. Conclusions. This study serves as a base from which to propose several strategies aimed at improving communication between the hospital and its various stakeholders and, therefore, situations that surround the users of healthcare systems; situations that are focussed on the relationship between medical attention and citizen wellbeing.


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Author Biographies

Dolores Rando Cueto, Cádiz University

Second-year PhD Student on the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Communication, Universities of Cádiz, Huelva, Málaga and Sevilla. Bachelor’s degrees in Journalism; and in Advertising and Public Relations, from the University of Málaga.

Participant in the development of a line of research focussed on the communication that specialised healthcare institutions carry out via social networks and its effect on the improvement of the quality of life of patients and their families

She has spent most of her professional career in the hospital field, in the Communication Unit of the Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga. As a result of this work, she developed several publications aimed at improving the communication work of the health administration.

Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano, University of Málaga

Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano holds a Bachelor’s degree (1996) and a Ph.D. degree (2004) in Journalism. Since 2003, he is a lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Málaga, where he teaches Corporate and Institutional Communication.  He is also a lecturer on the Master's degree programme in Political and Institutional Communication at the Ortega y Gasset Foundation and on the Master's degree in Strategic Management of Communication and Innovation at the University of Cádiz.

Over the last few years he has published two studies on the use of social networks in universities and their digital communication policies in the journals Icono 14 and Estudio del Mensaje Periodístico: “Hacia la comunicación 2.0. El uso de las redes sociales por las universidades españolas” (“Towards communication 2.0. The use of social networks by Spanish universities”) and “La incorporación de los departamentos de comunicación de las universidades españolas al entorno digital. Un análisis cuantitativo” (“Incorporation of the Spanish universities’ communication departments to the digital environment. A quantitative analysis”), respectively. He has also published other relevant articles including: “Incentivar el emprendimiento periodístico desde la Universidad” (“Encouraging journalistic entrepreneurship from the University”, 2014) and “Las elecciones autonómicas andaluzas de 2012 en la prensa nacional: Análisis de la cobertura de Abc, El Mundo y El País” (“The Andalusian autonomous elections of 2012 in the national press: analysis of the coverage by Abc, El Mundo and El País”, 2013), both articles published in the journal Revista Latina de Comunicación Social.

Between 2006 and 2011 he was the coordinator of the Informe anual de la profesión periodística (Annual report of the journalistic profession), edited by the Press Association of Madrid. He has participated as researcher and coordinator in the R&D project “Análisis crítico del sistema de medios: credibilidad e impacto en la ciudadanía” (“Critical analysis of the media system: credibility and impact on citizens”). In 2012, he participated in the international publication on the journalistic profession The Global Journalist in the 21st Century, edited by David H. Weaver and Lars Willnat, with the chapter “Journalists in Spain” (in collaboration).

At present, he participates as a researcher in the R&D projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: “Uso e influencia de los social media y la comunicación 2.0 en la toma de decisiones turísticas y en la imagen de marca de los destinos.” (“Use and influence of social media and communication 2.0 in tourism-related decision-making and the brand image of destinations.”)

Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa, University of Málaga

Senior Lecturer in the Audiovisual Communication and Advertising department of the University of Málaga, where he now teaches Institutional Communication on the degree course and Brand Image of Tourist Destinations on the Master's degree. His main research areas are the History of advertising and press in Spain, Institutional Communication and Image of tourist destinations, and innovation. At present, he is Co-director of the Master's degree in Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication at the University of Málaga and the University de Cádiz. In addition, he has been Vice-Chancellor for Institutional Relations and Chancellor’s Office, Director of the Chancellor’s Office, General Subdirector of Communication, Office and Protocol. Director of the Master’s Programme in Communication and Tourism; and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. (He occupies all these positions at the University of Málaga.)


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How to Cite

Rando Cueto, D., Paniagua Rojano, F. J. ., & de las Heras Pedrosa, C. (2016). Influence factors on the success of hospital communication via social networks. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 1170–1186.




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