The general-interest digital press as advertising platform: Changes in its business model
Business models, digital advertising, digitisation, advertisers, funding of digital press, digital press returnAbstract
The relationship between the press and advertising has undergone a strong transformation during the digital migration. Traditionally, the press maintained a high rate of efficiency that ensured a hefty percentage of income. However, the media have also undergone a strong transformation during the years of the crisis, and although the general-interest press closed the year 2015 with 17 million daily readers, its advertising revenue continued to fail to reach a level of balance. The objective of this work is to analyse the causes of this loss of balance and examine the changes in the business model. Methods. The study adopts a qualitative approach (based on in-depth interviews with the representatives of twenty of the most important online news media). In addition, in order to increase the scientific strength of the project, an in-depth literature review has been conducted. Results and conclusions. Although the online editions of the press have experienced a great growth in the last years, the revenue of the printed press in 2015 was 241% higher than its digital counterpart.
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