The general-interest digital press as advertising platform: Changes in its business model




Business models, digital advertising, digitisation, advertisers, funding of digital press, digital press return


The relationship between the press and advertising has undergone a strong transformation during the digital migration. Traditionally, the press maintained a high rate of efficiency that ensured a hefty percentage of income. However, the media have also undergone a strong transformation during the years of the crisis, and although the general-interest press closed the year 2015 with 17 million daily readers, its advertising revenue continued to fail to reach a level of balance. The objective of this work is to analyse the causes of this loss of balance and examine the changes in the business model. Methods. The study adopts a qualitative approach (based on in-depth interviews with the representatives of twenty of the most important online news media). In addition, in order to increase the scientific strength of the project, an in-depth literature review has been conducted. Results and conclusions. Although the online editions of the press have experienced a great growth in the last years, the revenue of the printed press in 2015 was 241% higher than its digital counterpart.


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Author Biographies

Lidia Maestro Espínola, International University of La Rioja

Bachelor’s degree in Advertising and Public Relations; PhD degree in Communication Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid; MA degree in Film, Television and Interactive Media; MBA.

Professor of he BA degree programmes in Communication and Marketing as well as several Master’s degree programmes.

Current Director of Marketing and International Commerce and the Master’s degree in Integrated Advertising: Strategy and Creativity of the International University of La Rioja. Researcher in the areas of media economy and, specifically, their strategies as advertising platforms.

Author of research articles published in national and international journals, book chapters and international conference papers.

José Vicente García Santamaría, University Carlos III of Madrid

Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Image from the Complutense University of Madrid and PhD degree in Communication Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University. Business studies at IESE.

Professor at the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the Carlos III University. Research Director of the Institute for Journalistic Innovation (2IP).

Author of Los grupos multimedia españoles (“Spanish multimedia groups”) (2016), La exhibición cinematográfica en España (“Film exhibition in Spain”) (2015) and El negocio de la prensa digital (“The digital media business”) (Coord. 2014).

Co-author of more than 20 collective books. His research work focuses on the study of the digital economy and the media.

María José Pérez Serrano, Complutense University of Madrid

Bachelor’s degree in Journalism; PhD degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (Outstanding Performance Award 2006-2007); MBA with specialty in financial management.

Professor at the Department of Journalism IV (Media Enterprise) of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Researcher in the areas of media enterprises and, specifically, media concentration and their influence on pluralism. Author of several publications, including the book La concentración de medios en España. Análisis de casos relevantes en radio prensa y televisión (“Media concentration in Spain. Analysis of relevant cases in radio, press and television”), as well as research articles published in national and international journals, such as Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico and Global Media Journal, book chapters and conference papers. 


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How to Cite

Maestro Espínola, L., García Santamaría, J. V., & Pérez Serrano, M. J. . (2016). The general-interest digital press as advertising platform: Changes in its business model. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 1048–1068.


