The media and the symbolic violence against women




Patriarchal violence, feminism, mass media, sociology, law


This research article analyses the structural violence that is exercised against women in Spanish society and the ways in which the mass media has contributed to this type of violence despite the existence of international and national regulations pertaining to the media and gender equality. The analysis, contributions and conclusions of this research study are framed within the ideas of feminist literary criticism. Results. Among the solutions that public institutions can implement to tackle violence against women the article highlights two that are especially relevant in relation to the media’s misrepresentation of women and society’s treatment of women. Conclusions. The competent public institutions must demand the media to meet gender equality quotas to improve the representation of women, and must provide media literacy from a gender perspective to the organised civil society. 


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Author Biographies

Emelina Galarza Fernández, University of Málaga

Emelina Galarza Fernández is associate professor and researcher at the Pablo de Olavide University, the University of Malaga and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. PhD in Communication; BA degree in Law, from the University of Malaga; Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Audiovisual Communication Law and Economy (Dissertation: Comparative study of the application of the Media programme of the Union European in Spain and France) from the School of Law of the University of Toulouse (France); and Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) from the School of Communication of the University of Malaga (Dissertation: relationship between ICTs, education and gender equality); Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude.

More than 20 years of professional experience, first in law firms and then in the field of communication rights in private companies.

Her work on women’s studies has led her to participate in the Equal Community Initiative of the European Union, led by Malaga’s provincial public administration. Signed by Novasoft, where she designs and implements a method of internal participatory communication for the development of the Equality Plan, thereby turning the company into a socialising agent in matters of equality and promoting participation in the external communication with a gender perspective. This work is the object of study of her doctoral thesis, in which internal participatory communication with a gender perspective is another line of research.

She is currently developing training and consulting projects in communication and gender equality. She is the President of the Association for the Defence of the Public Image of Women. Her relationship with the academia and social activism has opened another line of research in order to respond to the feminist challenges of the 21st century.

Rosa Cobo Bedía, University of A Coruña

Full Professor of Sociology of gender at the University of A Coruña. Director of the Centre for Gender and Feminist Studies of the University of A Coruña.

Current Director of the fourth edition of the online MA programme in Equality and Equity in Development, organised by Cooperacció Internacional and Universitat de Vic. Former director of the MA programme in Gender and Equality Policies of the University of A Coruña, from 2005 to 2008. Director of the third edition of the taught course on History of Feminist Theory at the University of A Coruña.

Her last book is titled Hacia una nueva política sexual (“Towards a new sexual policy”). Her previous books include: Fundamentos del patriarcado moderno. Jean Jacques Rousseau (“Foundations of modern patriarchy. Jean Jacques Rousseau”); Educar en la ciudadanía. Perspectivas feministas, feminismo y educación (“Educating the citizenry. Feminist perspectives, feminism and education”); Las mujeres españolas: lo privado y lo público (“Spanish women: the private and the public”).

Directed a project on “Prostitution and public policies”, funded by the Women’s Institute. Has taught courses and given lectures on the sociology of gender and feminist theory in Spain and across Latin America.

Maria del Mar Esquembre Cerdá, Complutense University of Madrid

Full Professor of Constitutional Law in the University of Alicante. Co-founder of the Feminist Network of Constitutional Law. Director of the university seminar on the Rights of Women in the Area of Constitutional Law of the University of Alicante. Columnist in the weekly section on gender of Alicante’s Diario Información newspaper. Former academic coordinator of the Ciudad de Alicante university campus of the University of Alicante; Director of the Centre for Women’s Studies of the University of Alicante (now University Institute of Gender Studies); organiser and participant in numerous conferences and courses on gender equality. Has directed courses and seminars about citizenship, immigration and gender and feminist studies in the field of constitutional law; has collaborated in various reports on equality policies and their application in regional reforms in Spain.

Her research work focuses on constitutional law and its relationship with gender studies, citizenship and immigration. She has proposed reforms in the research and teaching methods of constitutional law to incorporate feminist theories.


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How to Cite

Galarza Fernández, Emelina, Rosa Cobo Bedía, and Maria del Mar Esquembre Cerdá. 2016. “The media and the symbolic violence against women”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 71 (September):818-32.




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