Impact of Science and Technology Ibero-America in Twitter




Twitter, Social Network Analysis, Science and Technology, Ibero-America


The maelstrom in which the information passing through the internet highway makes it unquantifiable wraps. Therefore, it is necessary to delimit the area for analysis; in this regard, the dissemination of information on Science and Technology (S & T) through Twitter is the premise of the investigation. Methodology. The study seeks to highlight the importance of social networks charge in the field of science and technology, and their influence on the processes of democratization informative. the technique of Social Network Analysis (ARS) was used, which allows you to view graphs through each of the connections and communities that these entities possess. Results. The dissemination of science and technology from its scientific and research institutions 31 accounts Ibero-americas organizations with a profile on microblogging network, in order to know what information issue and if they meet the main function were analyzed. Conclusions. There is a growing use of Twitter as a source of publication on S & T, determined by indicators of quality, quantity and use of resources such as links, images, etc. Twitter is used as the possibilities of institutions create content; on whether use is progressive; but its content is purely institutional.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Coronel-Salas, Private Technical University of Loja

PhD in Communication and Journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Master’s degree in Social Studies of Science and Technology from the University of Salamanca (Spain). Research Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences of the Private Technological University of Loja (UTPL). Her line of research is communication and technologies. Manager of technologies focused on the public dissemination of science online.

Coordinator and author of book chapters, including: Las redes sociales digitales en el ecosistema mediático, CAC 92 (“Social networking sites in the media ecosystem, CAC 92”), Cuadernos Artesanos de Comunicación (2015); Anuario de las Empresas de Comunicación del Ecuador (“Yearbook of Ecuador’s media companies”, 2013). Investigar la Comunicación en Loja: El Valor de la formación, producción y consumo (“Researching communication in Loja: the value of training, production and consumption”, 2010-2012).

Catalina Mier Sanmartín, Private Technical University of Loja

PhD in Communication and Journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Bachelor’s Degree in Social Communication from the University of Cuenca. Research Professor at the Audiovisual Narratives section of the Department of Communication Sciences of the Private Technological University of Loja (UTPL).

Coordinator in Ecuador of the Ibero-American Network of Audiovisual Narratives (INAV). Member of the Ibero-American Academic Network of Communication (RAIC). Chairperson of the Ecuadorian Society of Interdisciplinary Communication Studies (SEICOM). Member of the European-American inter-university network for research in media competencies for citizenship (ALFAMED). Co-author of several book chapters, including: Formación, perfil profesional y consumo de medios de los alumnos en Comunicación (“Training, professional profile and media consumption of communication students”), in Cuadernos Artesanos de Comunicación (2015); Anuario de las Empresas de Comunicación del Ecuador (“Yearbook of Ecuador’s media companies”, 2013). Investigar la Comunicación en Loja: El Valor de la formación, producción y consumo (“Researching communication in Loja: the value of training, production and consumption”, 2010-2012).

Professional career. Secretary General of the International Centre for Higher Studies for Latin America, from July 2014 to September 2015 was. Member of the Editorial Council of Ecuador TV (November 2013 - present). Executive Secretary of the Advisory Council of the Public Television of Ecuador, from 2010 to 2013.


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How to Cite

Coronel-Salas, G., & Mier Sanmartín, C. . (2016). Impact of Science and Technology Ibero-America in Twitter. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 668–695.




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