Food and health: dominant frames in Spanish press
Food, Health, Press, FramingAbstract
The impacts of food on citizens’ health is an issue currently included in both the political and media agendas. Using the principles of framing theory, this article analyses the discursive strategies used in the coverage of this issue in the three most-read newspapers in Spain: El País, La Vanguardia and El Mundo. Methods: The study is based on the analysis of all the information pieces on nutrition and health published during the first half of 2014 in the aforementioned newspapers. The analysis of these texts pays special attention to the identification of the frames most-commonly used in the coverage of this topic. Results and conclusions: Eating disorders, diets, and especially obesity, have become the most-covered topics in the field of food and health. There is a limited level of journalistic specialisation in this field, and there are omissions of important information in the journalistic pieces on of food and health, such as the name of the writer of the articles, as well as the authors and sponsors of the research studies cited as sources.
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