Food and health: dominant frames in Spanish press




Food, Health, Press, Framing


The impacts of food on citizens’ health is an issue currently included in both the political and media agendas. Using the principles of framing theory, this article analyses the discursive strategies used in the coverage of this issue in the three most-read newspapers in Spain: El País, La Vanguardia and El MundoMethods: The study is based on the analysis of all the information pieces on nutrition and health published during the first half of 2014 in the aforementioned newspapers. The analysis of these texts pays special attention to the identification of the frames most-commonly used in the coverage of this topic. Results and conclusions: Eating disorders, diets, and especially obesity, have become the most-covered topics in the field of food and health. There is a limited level of journalistic specialisation in this field, and there are omissions of important information in the journalistic pieces on of food and health, such as the name of the writer of the articles, as well as the authors and sponsors of the research studies cited as sources.


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Author Biographies

Flora Marín-Murillo, University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Her most recent research work has focused on nutrition and the media. Member of the research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: “Food safety in the Spanish press: strategies to communicate food risks” (ref: CSO2014-54385-R).

Participant in a University-Society research project of 2014, co-financed by the ELIKA, Basque Foundation for Agro-Food Safety: “Food safety and the media. A case study: The Basque press in 2014” (ref. US 14/13). Between 2012 and 2014 she participated in the production of three reports on Food safety in the Basque press for the ELIKA, Basque Foundation.

Between 2011 and 2013 she was part of the team that developed the project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation on the evolution of representations of violent deaths in the Basque press. The main conclusions of the study were published in the book titled El tratamiento de las muertes violentas en la prensa vasca (Servicio Editorial UPV/EHU, Leioa, 2012).

Her research activity started 24 years ago with a thesis published in 1992 on the representation of death in Hitchcock’s films. After participating in several projects on the Basque cinema, her subsequent studies focused on printed and digital journalism. A result of these works was the book titled El diario digital (“The digital newspaper”,Bosch, Barcelona, 2000), one of the first in-depth studies published in Spain on what back then was considered a new information platform.

One of her best received publications is El diario de servicios en España (“The services newspaper in Spain”, Septem, Oviedo, 2002), which analysed the characteristics of this journalistic model.

H-index in Google Scholar: 6.

José-Ignacio Armentia-Vizuete, University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Doctor in Information Sciences. His most recent research has focused on the representation of food safety in the media. As the leading researcher of the MediaIker group, he has participated in the production of reports on food safety in the Basque press in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, funded by the ELIKA, Basque Foundation for Agro-Food Safety. He is currently the leader of a research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, titled “Food safety in the Spanish press: strategies for food risk communication”. He is also the current leader of the Training and Research Unit for Technology, Learning, and Communication, of the University of the Basque Country.

From 2011 to 2014, he was the leader of the research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, titled “Evolution of the treatment of violent deaths in the press of the Basque Country”. The results of the project were published in scientific journals articles, conference communication papers, and a book published by the University of the Basque Country.

Other funded research projects in which he has participated in the last years are related to the application of TICs in the teaching of journalism, the media mythification of Bin Laden and the features of digital journalism in Spain.
H-index in Google Scholar: 11

Elena Olabarri-Fernández, University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology (1980), PhD in Political Sciences and Sociology (1989). Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (2001). Professor of “Psycho-sociology of consumption” in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Advertising and Public Relations; professor of “communication and advertising: persuasive strategies” in the bachelor’s degree programme in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising; and professor of “Communicational Marketing” in the Master’s degree programme in Innovation and Knowledge Management.

Her main lines of research throughout her academic career have been consumer behaviour, particularly issues related to consumption decision-making and addiction; and advertising effectiveness. The work on the first of those lines includes several publications, both individual and in co-authorship with Professor José Luis León and Irene García.

Among other academic events, he has been guest speaker at the 45th Research Quality European Conference of the European Society of Opinion and Market Research (ESOMAR), which took place in Madrid, in 1992, winning the European award for best research methodology and the Fernanda Monti Award to the best communication paper. Guest speaker also at the ESOMAR World Congress, where he delivered the paper titled “Consolidation or Renewal? From Research to Costumer Insight” (2002) and the 6th World Leisure and Human Development Congress (Bilbao 2000).

His books include one that was a pioneer in consumer behaviour, produced in co-authorship with José Luis León and published by Ediciones Deusto (1996).

The research work on advertising effectiveness includes research contracts signed with the Basque Government for the 2001-2009 period to study the tourism campaigns of that Autonomous Community, as well as the articles written with Professor Miguel Ángel Quintana, which were published in Questiones Publicitarias, Investigación y Marketing, and participations in the International Marketing Trends Conference (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012).

H-index in Google Scholar: 10


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How to Cite

Marín-Murillo, F., Armentia-Vizuete, J.-I., & Olabarri-Fernández, E. . . (2016). Food and health: dominant frames in Spanish press. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 632–653.


