Testing inclusive interdisciplinary models on Internet dependence in Youth. New associated variables





Communication, interdisciplinary, Mexico, dependency, Internet


This article analyzes and discusses when and why the integration testing of an inclusive interdisciplinary model to explain and predict the variable dependence on Internet in the Interactive Generation (IG). Methodology: Presents results on a sample of 4,563 young Mexicans and exposes the validity of test constructs and the relevance and consistency of the data and its explanatory relationship using a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of multiple regressions. Results and conclusions: The relationship between factors guided by the theory is established to check the validity of disciplinary theoretical constructs that nourish both restrictive interdisciplinary models as the inclusive interdisciplinary model. Consequently, discussed, refined and articulate new research questions and unpublished relations between theory and practice through the generation of new associated variables are set.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo Adolfo León-Duarte, University of Sonora

Leader of the group Communication Teaching and Research in Latin America (GEIC-AL). Coordinator of the Postgraduate Social Studies Program of University of Sonora. B.A. in Communication, University of Sonora. Master and Doctorate in Journalism and Communication Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico.

Has published 17 books and over 100 papers in books and journals. Most recent book is Cibercultura y Tecnología Digital. Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Sonora, México (Universidad de Sonora – Qartuppi, 2016).

CarlosRené Contreras Cázarez, University of Sonora

Member of the group Communication Teaching and Research in Latin America (GEIC-AL). B.A. in Communication, University of Sonora. Master in Advance Research Journalism, Ramón Llull University. Master and Doctorate in Social Studies, University of Sonora.

Has published several papers and books’ chapters. Most recent book Jóvenes de Secundaria e Internet Seguro en México (Qartuppi Editores -Universidad de Sonora, 2014).

Diana Moreno Carrillo, University of Sonora

Member of the group Communication Teaching and Research in Latin America (GEIC-AL). B.A. in Education. Master and Doctorate in Social Studies, University of Sonora.

Has published several papers and books’ chapters. Most recent book Jóvenes y medios digitales móviles en México. Un estudio de variables asociadas en Perspectiva interdisciplinar (PEARSON – Universidad de Sonora, 2015).


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How to Cite

León-Duarte, G. A. ., Contreras Cázarez, C., & Moreno Carrillo, D. . (2016). Testing inclusive interdisciplinary models on Internet dependence in Youth. New associated variables. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 616–631. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2016-1112


