Immigrants and science museums in times of crisis. Preliminary study in two museums in Barcelona




Migrants, science museums as mass media, social inclusion, museums and vulnerable public


Access to knowledge generates inequalities. The gap between those who are scientifically literate and those who are not can become a source of exclusion. In Spain, the relationship between science museums and vulnerable communities, in this case the immigrant population has been little studied, and we are therefore seeking to build on research developed in other countries. Methodology: The study used surveys to gain an understanding of interviewees' socio-demographic profile, how immigrants relate to museums and the relationship between the museum and identity in two museums in Barcelona. Results: Visitors consulted stated that they felt comfortable in the museum and found the display formats in the museum to be similar to those in their own countries. It must be borne in mind that this is a preliminary study.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Castellanos Pineda, Open University of Catalonia

Lecturer in Humanities and Communications at the UOC. She has carried out research into the communicative role of museums since 1997 and their social role since 2008

For her doctoral thesis she studied the relationship between science museums and cultural consumption, based on the vision of the museum as a communication media.

She then went on to study the relationship between museums and vulnerable communities. She provides consultancy services to museums, in particular in Latin America.

Janine Sprünker Cardó, Open University of Catalonia

Janine Sprünker is a German teacher at the Escola de Llengües of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and a PhD in the Information and Communication Society (UOC). Her field of research is heritage education through the internet. She has investigated the processes of teaching and learning that are created during a heritage education through the Internet and that aim to contribute to the intellectual and social inclusion especially of problematic students and / or with learning problems.

Gloria Munilla Cabrillana, Open University of Catalonia

Professor at the UOC. From 1998 to 2012 she worked in three roles: research, teaching and management.

Since 2004 she has headed the Museia research group dedicated to studying museology and museography and how they relate to ICT.

The group's research lines include studies of the role of scientific heritage in fostering the social inclusion of disabled people and other vulnerable communities, including immigrants and the visually impaired.
Arts and Humanities


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How to Cite

Castellanos Pineda, P. ., Sprünker Cardó, J. ., & Munilla Cabrillana, G. . (2016). Immigrants and science museums in times of crisis. Preliminary study in two museums in Barcelona. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 570–591.


