The first one hundred days of El Español. Analysis of the structure and contents of an online newspaper during its beginnings




journalism, technology, crowdfunding, digital, multimedia


El Español is the latest digital newspaper to be launched in Spain, thanks to crowdfunding campaign that surpassed all the past attempts made by other news media companies. The achievement of its goals and the success of its journalistic and technological proposals are yet to be seen. This article analyses the first one hundred days of this news website. The analysis involves the description of its origins and its underlying structure, its quantitative and qualitative impacts on the journalistic world, as well as its main deficiencies derived from its short existence. In addition, the article evaluates the changes the online newspaper has experienced during its first three months of life. The article concludes that El Español has adopted an interpretative style based on service journalism, and a layout that is not typical of the born-digital news media that have emerged in the context of technological effervescence, which involves the massive use of computers, smartphones and social networks. 


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Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel del Arco Bravo, Carlos III University

He is currently Professor of Journalism in the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation of the Carlos III University, where he teaches Undergraduate and Double Degree subjects and supervises End-of-Degree Projects. positions of responsibility and practiced journalism in different media.

His main lines of research focus on Journalistic Genres, Journalistic Ethics and Deontology, the History of Journalism, Cultural Journalism and Social Journalism.

He has been an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences, Complutense University. He is part of the research group PASSET (Journalism and Social Analysis: evolution, Effects and Trends

Juan Yunquera Nieto, Carlos III University

Professor of Journalism at the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the School of Humanities, Communication and Documentation of the Carlos III University of Madrid.

Bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences (Journalism) from the Complutense University of Madrid. PhD in Media Studies from the Carlos III University, with the thesis (cum laude) titled “Development of digital publications and new informative platforms: history and evolution of digital magazines and newspapers in Spain”.

Member of the PASSET (Journalism and Social Analysis: Evolution, effects and trends) research group. His main lines of research are journalism, editorial design, digital publications, application of technologies to new media platforms and advertising.

He has developed his professional career in different media companies: Radio Televisión Española (RTVE), Grupo Zeta (Tiempo magazine, Art Director), InfoLibre. He has collaborated for various print media as art director and editorial advisor. Former Art Director and Editor in Chief of the online magazine Digital 3, published by the Communication Vice-presidency of the UC3M.

Félix Pérez Bahón, Carlos III University of Madrid

PhD degree in Journalism from the Complutense University. 35 years of professional experience in very diverse Spanish print media. Associate professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid since 2004. He also teaches at Centro Villanueva, linked to the Complutense University.

Researcher at the Institute for Journalistic Innovation (2IP) and UNIR Research, with independent research works. Member of the GIAIP (Internet in Journalism) research group of the Complutense University, and of the Big Data, Social Networks and Data Journalism research group of the Carlos III University. Responsible for the area of “Trends in journalism”, in Cuaderno de Periodistas, the magazine of the Madrid Press Association (APM).


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How to Cite

del Arco Bravo, M. Ángel, Yunquera Nieto, J. ., & Pérez Bahón, F. . (2016). The first one hundred days of El Español. Analysis of the structure and contents of an online newspaper during its beginnings. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 527–551.


