Collaborative tourism communication 2.0: promotion, advertising and interactivity in government tourism websites in Latin America




Tourism communication, collaborative tourism 2.0, digital communication, tourism websites, tourism promotion, interactivity, participation


Tourism communication is undergoing a process of transformation. It has evolved from controlled mass communication, focused on the asymmetrical and one-way promotion of popular tourist destinations, to a new era of web-based multimedia information. This research evaluates what we have termed collaborative tourism communication 2.0 inthe government tourism websites of 22 Latin American countries. Methods. The study is based on a purpose-created model of analysis that takes into account the website’s tools, accessibility, digital resources, generation of products, interactive spaces (mainly social networks), and creation of virtual communities. Results and conclusions. Tourism communication needs to adopt a collaborative approach that involves a two-way and interactive communication model in which both parties have equal opportunities of participation. Websites have become consolidated as an essential platform for tourism promotion and advertising, but these platforms need to be adapted to the changing needs and behaviours of the tourist 2.0, through the use of resources and tools that make the tourism offer more attractive and through the creation spaces of interaction that allow users to participate and obtain direct advice on the web.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Túñez López, University of Santiago de Compostela

Ph.D. in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Professor of Organisational communication and Communication plans and strategies at the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Communication advisor and teacher at several European and Latin American organisations and universities.

Member of the New Media research group of the University of Santiago de Compostela since December 2007.

Author of nearly one hundred reports, articles and books on communication.
Former Dean of the School of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela (2004-2009). Winner of the Queen Sofia National Journalism Award.

Verónica Altamirano, Private Technical University of Loja

M.A. in Communication and Creative Industries from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Ph.D. student at the University of Santiago de Compostela; Diploma in organizational communication and in Communication for development; and B.A. in Social communication from the Private Technical University of Loja (Ecuador).

Main Professor and member of the Quality team of the at the Private Technical University of Loja. Co-author of international books and journal articles.

Member of the Organisational communication research group of the Private Technical University of Loja.

Karina Paola Valarezo González, Private Technical University of Loja

Communication Director at the Private Technical University of Loja (Ecuador). B.A. in Public relations from the Equinoctial Technological University of Quito (Ecuador). Ph.D. in Communication and Journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Former communication adviser at the Congress of Deputies of the Republic of Ecuador.

Professor of Public relations, Management and planning of public relations and Corporate social responsibility. Author of articles published in journals listed in databases such as Latindex, Scopus and ISI Web of Knowledge; author of peer-reviewed book chapters.

Director of research projects. Speaker in several academic and research events. Former Coordinator of the BA degree programme in Public Relations of the Private Technical University of Loja and of former Coordinator of the B.A. open degree programme in Managerial assistance and Public Relations of the Private Technical University of Loja.


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How to Cite

Túñez López, M., Altamirano, V., & Valarezo González, K. P. (2016). Collaborative tourism communication 2.0: promotion, advertising and interactivity in government tourism websites in Latin America. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 249–271.


