Television and the development of a new Spanish national identity in Transition (1976-1979)




Spanish television, national identity, regional consciousness, Spanish transition


This article examines how Spain’s national television network (Televisión Española-TVE) played a key role in paving the way for decentralisation and the creation of autonomous communities during that country’s transition to democracy. Method. The findings it reports are based on a content analysis of programs about national and regional diversity and identity broadcast by TVE from 1976 through 1979, a review of existing literature, material drawn from the archives of the authors and in-depth interviews conducted with journalists affiliated with TVE during that period. Results. Our findings show that TVE supported the decentralisation agenda of the centre-right coalition government of Adolfo Suárez by offering compelling programming that promoted acceptance of regional cultural and linguistic diversity and helped create an atmosphere in which autonomous regions could be created without rupturing national unity. Discussion. This study confirms that television played the dual role of furthering the Suárez agenda and providing the public with the background information and facts they needed to realize that embracing regional diversity and self-autonomy was crucial to future political and social harmony.


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Author Biographies

Virginia Martín Jiménez, Valladolid University

Virginia Martín Jiménez received a European doctoral degree from the University of Valladolid, Spain, where she received an Extraordinary Doctoral award for her thesis. She also holds licentiate degrees in history and journalism from the same institution as well as a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (National University for Distance Education or UNED). She is professor of Journalism at the University of Valladolid, where she currently serves as a member of the faculty of a master’s program devoted to the study of the media as an agent of social change in historical contexts (Investigación de la Comunicación como Agente Histórico-Social).

Her research is concentrated in the following fields of study: public opinion and political communication, the role of the media in the creation of identity, and the history of communications media. Her work has appeared in a wide range of indexed professional journals including the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, the International Journal of Iberian StudiesEstudios del Mensaje periodístico, and Revista Latina de Comunicación Social. She is also author of Televisión Española y la Transición democrática: la comunicación política del Cambio (2013).

Itziar Reguero Sanz, Valladolid University

Itziar Reguero Sanz is a pre-doctoral researcher in the University of Valladolid’s Department of Modern, Contemporary, and American History, Journalism, and Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. She holds an undergraduate degree in Journalism from the university of Valladolid and a Masters degree with Extraordinary Thesis award from the same institution in media as a agent of social change (Investigación de la Comunicación como Agente Histórico-Social).

In 2014, the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports awarded Reguero a scholarship to pursue a doctor’s degree at the University of Valladolid. She is currently preparing a thesis on public opinion during the period in which Spain’s present autonomous communities evolved (1977–1983) under the direction of Professors José-Vidal Pelaz López and Virginia Martín Jiménez.

The researcher is also the coordinator of an innovative teaching project under the title ‘Comprender la Historia Contemporánea’ (‘Understanding Contemporary History’). Her current lines of investigation cover media history, the roll of mass media in the development of autonomous communities during the Spanish Transition, and power relations between politicians and the media and their effect on society.

José Vidal Pelaz López, Valladolid University

José-Vidal Pelaz López is a professor in Contemporary History in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Valladolid (Spain). His preferred lines of research include History of Communication, and recent political history, both Spanish and global. He has published ten books and numerous book chapters and articles in specialist journals.

He is currently heading a research project entitled "The government of Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo (1981-1982)".


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How to Cite

Martín Jiménez, V., Reguero Sanz, I., & Vidal Pelaz López, J. (2016). Television and the development of a new Spanish national identity in Transition (1976-1979). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 141–159.


