The ethical dilemmas of using social networks as information sources. Analysis of the opinion of journalists from three countries




Social networks, journalists, deontology, information sources, interactivity


Social networks are shaping a new information ecosystem that is characterised by the interaction of users with each other and with the media. Methods: This article is based on data obtained from more than 60 in-depth interviews with journalists from three European countries, namely Spain, Italy and Belgium, to examine how they value the use of social networks as communication channel between journalists and citizens and as a tool to carry out journalistic work. Results and conclusions: Although information is available online to be published instantly, it is necessary to first determine its authenticity and assess its suitability from different perspectives. Journalists themselves should assess the possibilities offered by tools such as social networks, and be aware of the risks and challenges associated to them in order to use them in a more effective way


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas, University of Sevilla

Professor of Journalism at the University of Seville. His main research interests are journalistic ethics and deontology, on which he has published more than ten books and over 30 scientific papers and conference papers. His publications include: Principios de Ética Profesional. A propósito de la actividad informativa (“Principles of professional ethics.

With regards to informative activities”) (Tecnos 2001); La maternidad masculina; ensayos sobre la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres desde otro punto de vista (“Male motherhood; essays on equality between women and men from another point of view”) (Dykinson 2011), which offers a critique of media discourses on gender equality and has been translated into English and Italian.

His most recent works include the article titled La Comisión de Deontología como referente de la autorregulación del periodismo: apuntes doctrinales sobre el periodismo digital (“The Ethics Commission as benchmark of self-regulation in journalism: doctrinal notes on digital journalism”), published in 2015 in Communication & Society.

He directed three editions of the International Conference of Media Ethics, and two editions of the International Congress of Gender and Communication.

Main researcher in two R&D projects on journalistic ethics. This article is part of the last of these projects: Project of the National R&D Plan of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain (reference CSO2011-26620), for the 2012-2014 period: “Ethical challenges in digital journalism. Comparative analysis between five European countries”.

He has also directed several European and regional projects and is responsible for the Research Group of the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (PAIDI) SEJ-495: “Critical thinking, Communication and Human Rights”.

Evaluator for the National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (ANEP) and the Italian University Quality Agency (ANVUR). He has completed research stays at the universities of Oxford, Bologna, La Sapienza, and Berkeley. Advisor in journalistic ethics at the Official College of Journalists of Andalusia and head of the Association of Media Users of Andalusia.

Jesús Cruz Álvarez, University of Sevilla

Researcher in Education at the University of Seville, where he is writing his thesis on the main ethical dilemmas of digital journalism. His main research lines are the implications of the new digital information ecosystem for professional journalists.

He has participated in different international conferences, such as the 2014 and 2015 IAMCR. Member of the R&D project titled “Ethical challenges in digital journalism. Comparative analysis between five European countries” for the 2012-2014 period.


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How to Cite

Suárez Villegas, J. C. ., & Cruz Álvarez, J. . (2016). The ethical dilemmas of using social networks as information sources. Analysis of the opinion of journalists from three countries. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 66–84.


