Media Literacy, unfinished business in the training of journalists, advertisers and audiovisual communicators




Media literacy, media competence, university, journalism courses, audiovisual communication courses, advertising courses.


University communication courses in Spain should respond to recommendations by international organizations concerning the need for Media Literacy training to include future graduates within its scope. Methodology. This article analyses the content of subjects directly related to Media Literacy in the various communication degree courses in Spanish universities and compares them to perceptions of this area of expertise held by syllabus managers and the teachers who teach it, thus combining an analysis of the content of subject guides with in-depth interviews. Results. The study reveals the insufficient incidence of specific subjects within Media Literacy and the overriding association of its content to the area of ideology and values, to the detriment of other dimensions such as aesthetics and interaction processes.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Tucho, Rey Juan Carlos University

Fernando Tucho has a degree in Journalism from the  Complutense University of Madrid (1996), a  Master’s in Education Television (1999) and a PhD in Communication Sciences  (2004) from the same university.  He has been a full time lecturer at the University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid since 2002.

Prior to that he was an associate lecturer at the  Complutense University of Madrid and at the National University of Distance Learning. Also, visiting professor at the Centre for Research into Information and Communication of the Monterrey Institute of Technology.

Some subjects taught: Audiovisual communication and Education; Educational Radiotelevision; Audiovisual Information. For three years Director of the Research Laboratory of the Television and Electronic Image at the University  Rey Juan Carlos (2005-2008).

His academic career has developed in the study of social media, in both its information and educational inclinations.  He has participated in research projects in areas such as the role of public media, transformations in the journalism profession,  how the information media treat different social issues and the role of media literacy in the current  environment.

Some of the latest projects in which he has participated in this area include “University teaching considering audiovisual communication competence in a digital environment” (2011 to 2014), in which among other aspects the role of communication faculties was studied in promoting media competence.  Additionally, two noteworthy research contracts focused on information analysis of significant social importance : “The analysis of  television health information”, focused on the study of how television news approached healthcare issues, signed with the pharmaceutical laboratory  MSD (2008), and  “the handling of climate change and the environmental crisis in television news”, similar to the previous one on the environmental theme, signed with the Association of Environmental Journalists  and the Banco Santander Foundation (2008). His most recent lines of research include the impact of ICTs on the environment and its link to media literacy on the one hand, and the relationship between the media and emotional education on the other.

Ariadna Fernandez-Planells, Pompeu Fabra University

Ariadna Fernandez-Planells has a degree in Journalism from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona. She has worked for  Televisión Española in the interactive area of the programme for young people on channel 2, "En Construcción".

She is currently combining teaching with research.She works as a lecturer and trainee researcher at the  Pompeu Fabra University where she teaches audiovisual journalism and media convergence. She also participates as a lecturer on various official Master and Postgraduate courses.  She is currently a PhD candidate in Social Communication at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona).

Her main line of research centres on youth and communication, particularly online. Her doctoral research includes communication practices in the new wave of social movements.  Specifically, she is investigating the 15M Movement in Spain and the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong.

She is a member of the Research Group 'Communication, Advertising and Society' (CAS) at the Pompeu Fabra University and the research group DatAnalysis15M at the Open University of Catalonia.

She has participated in competitive research projects on media competence, social movements and the uses and consumption of the media among young people. Likewise, she has reinforced her interantional profile as a researcher in the Europen project Integrated Journalism in Europe focused on the study of media convergence in journalism training in Europe.

She has also been a researcher at the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies in the United Kingdom and at the University of  Lima and the Pontificia Catholic University in Peru. 

The results of her research can be consulted in national and international indexed journals (El Profesional de la Información, New Media & Society, etc.).

María Lozano, Jaume I University

María Lozano Estivalis has a degree in Journalism from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and a PhD in Information Sciences from the Barcelona Autonomous University. She was a member of the Communication Theory area at the Cardenal Herrera University – CEU where she taught Communication Theory, Communication Sociology, Audiovisual Communication Theory and Pedagogy of Communication Media in Journalism, Advertising and Audiovisual Communication.

She currently works in the Theory and History of Education area at the Jaume I University of Castellón (UJI). She is a lecturer in the Master’s degree  in Secondary School Teaching and in the Degree for Infant School Teacher training  where she teaches Society, Family and Education,  and Education in the world today, respectively.

She is a member of the research group MEICRI (Educational improvement and critical citizenship) and the IUDESP (Inter-University Institute for Social Development and Peace), both at the UJI. Her main lines of research are education in communication, socio-community perspectives of education and the gender perspective.

In the latter, she has received various research awards such as the  Maria Isidra de Guzmán from the Institute for Women in Madrid, 2000; the Victoria Kent, from the University of Malaga, 2002 and the Feminist Research Award from the Zaragoza City Council, 2004.

Mònica Figueras-Maz, Pompeu Fabra University

Mònica Figueras-Maz has a PhD in Journalism and a degree in Information Sciences from the Barcelona Autonomous University.
Since 1998 she has been a lecturer at the Communications Department at the  Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) where she teaches or has taught various subjects such as journalism ethics, psychosociology of consumption and research methodology.

She has been the coordinator at UPF since its inception of the Official Inter-University Master’s degree in Youth and Society and the post-graduate degree in Journalism and Fashion Communication. Her main lines of research focus on youth and communication (journalism, advertising, fiction, social media) from all perspectives (content, receipt, interaction…).

She participates and has participated in various competitive investigations into media literacy, deontology in journalism and has a special interest in the gender perspective.

She is a member of the Research Group 'Communication, Advertising and Society' (CAS) and Research Group in Journalism (GRP) at the Pompeu Fabra University. She has participated in research projects on media competence, social movements and on the use and consumption of the media by young people.


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How to Cite

Tucho, F., Fernandez-Planells, A. ., Lozano, M. ., & Figueras-Maz, M. . (2015). Media Literacy, unfinished business in the training of journalists, advertisers and audiovisual communicators. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (70), 689–702.


