The USSR discourse: an analysis based on the complexity theory




Complex Analysis Discourse, Adaptatives Complex Systems, Complexity


This article is aimed at proposing a new kind of discourse analysis based on the Complexity Theory. Its method is founded on a systemic conception focused on the emerging and adaptable properties that compose it. The analysis was applied to a case study: the discourse of the political power in the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991 based on the main topics that resulted from the reforms made by Mijail Gorbachov. The sample analyzed includes the speeches given by the Soviet leader and other important leaders as well as the reports of the state controlled press agency Novosti. Maps and graphics were also made with software VenSim PLE. With these, a model that allowed us to see among apparent discursive contradictions an entire coherent structure emerged. This enhanced the study and provided new epistemic clues to the theoretical development.


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Author Biographies

Javier Alberto Piloto Rodríguez, Institute of Philosophy, Science, Technology and Environment

Javier Alberto Piloto Rodríguez is doing his Master in International Relations at the Institute of International Relations of Cuba.

He is a graduate (summa cum laude) of the School of Communication of the University of Havana and a member of the staff of professors of the Communication Studies discipline. He is currently a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba (CITMA in Spanish).

He is a member of the Communication team devoted to project titled “Complexity Theory and Theory of Communication”. He is also editor of the Cuban Magazine of Social Sciences and an expert in digital journalism.

Olga Rosa González Martín, University of La Habana

Olga Rosa González Martín is a graduate of the School of Foreign Languages of the University of Havana (1997) with a Master (2004) and a PhD in Communication Sciences (2013).

She is a researcher and a professor of the Center for Hemispheric and U.S. Studies of the University of Havana. She is also a professor of the School of Foreign Languages and the School of Communication of the same university. She has over a decade of experience doing researches on public opinion, public diplomacy, political and strategic communication.

She has been a panelist at different national and international academic events and her articles have been published in Cuba and abroad.

She is a member of the Cuban Association of Social Communicators (ACCS), the Cuban United Nations Association (ACNU), the Latin America Studies Association (LASA) and the National Commission of Scientific Degrees on Communication and Information Sciences of Cuba. She has also translated two books and more than a hundred articles of Cuban and foreign personalities.

She has received several national and international awards and has been an invited professor to American universities.

Hilda Saladrigas Medina, University of Havana

Hilda Saladrigas Medina has a BA in Marxism-Leninism (1988) as well as a Master (2003) and a PhD in Communication Sciences (2005) at the School of Communication of the University of Havana. She has been conducting media research since 1988 and became a professor in 1999.

Due to her expertise and contribution to social sciences, she has received several national and international awards.

She has also been an invited professor to four master courses at the University of Havana and the Baja California Autonomous University, Mexico.  She is also a member of the editorial board of indexed national and international academic journals in Communication studies.

She is currently the head of the Social Communication Department of the School of Communication of the University of Havana and the President of the Academic Committee of the Master course in Communication studies.

She is also a member of the National Commission of Scientific Degrees on Communication and Information Sciences. She is a member of the experts’ team of academic programs of the National Commission to Credit Academic Programs in Cuba (Cuba’s Junta de Acreditación Nacional –JAN-).

Yohanka León del Río, University of La Havana

Yohanka León del Río is a graduate of Philosophy at the State University of Belarus, Minsk, with a Master of Arts in Philosophy and Russian Language of the same university.

With a Master in Latin American Thinking gotten at the Las Villas Central University of Cuba she got her PhD in Philosophical Sciences at the Institute of Philosophy of the of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba (CITMA in Spanish). She is currently a titular researcher at the same Institute and a professor of Philosophy at the University of Havana.

She is an honorary member of the National Commission of Scientific Degree on Philosophical studies and a member of the National Commission of Scientific Degrees on Communication and Information Sciences


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How to Cite

Piloto Rodríguez, J. A., González Martín, O. R., Saladrigas Medina, H., & León del Río, Y. (2015). The USSR discourse: an analysis based on the complexity theory. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (70), 652–672.




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