Online tourism, virtual identity and sexual exploitation


  • Norma Constanza Castillo Murillejo University of Los Libertadores
  • Guillermo H. Cárdenas Pinto University of Los Libertadores
  • Humberto Rodriguez Mercado Fundación RENACER



Online tourism, virtual identity, sexual exploitation, sexual and commercial exploitation of minors, human trafficking


This article provides a framework of reference for the interpretation of issues related to sexual exploitation in the context of travel and tourism. Its main objectives are to identify and establish relations of intertextuality between online tourism and commercial sexual exploitation, and to define categories of analysis for the interpretation of both phenomena. To this end, the construction of the virtual identity that takes place during the interaction between social networks users and media consumers is examined in depth. The literature available on the three variables of study –online tourism, virtual identity and sexual exploitation– was examined in details to systematise fragmented knowledge and identify the tourism communication strategies that are used in the internet and can facilitate the exploitation of children and adolescents in the context of travel and tourism.


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Author Biographies

Norma Constanza Castillo Murillejo, University of Los Libertadores

Her current lines of research are human trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, sexual abuse and the media, gender-based violence, and women and the media.
Member of the Latin American Academic Network on Human Trafficking and the Journalists with Gender Perspective Network.

Member of the Communication Observatory ( and the Communication, Culture and Mediation Research Group of the School of Social Communication and Journalism of the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University (UJTL). Current leader of the research project titled “Characterisation of the forms to attract and traffic with young people”, whose results are expected to be presented by the end of 2015.

Researcher in the project titled “Tourism communication in the internet as facilitator of the Commercial sexual exploitation of Children and Adolescents in the context of travel and tourism of Los Libertadores University Foundation”, from which this article has derived. Member of the Communication, Culture and Technology Research Group of The Liberators University.

Professor of Communication theory, Research and Journalism since 1991. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Communication and Journalism from the Externado University of Colombia in 1990 with the thesis titled “Linguistic analysis of the political discourse of the M-19”. She obtained a Master’s degree in History from the National University of Colombia in 2007, with the thesis titled “Crime of passion in events: 1956-1962”. She has obtained two diplomas: one in 2014, in “Communication with a perspective of rights and gender. The journalistic approach to the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents and human trafficking in the media”; and another in 2009, in “Gender and transitional justice” from the University of Rosario.

Guillermo H. Cárdenas Pinto, University of Los Libertadores

Guillermo H. Cárdenas Pinto holds a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy. He is a student of the Master’s programme in Social Studies. Affiliated since 1989 to the School of Communication of The Liberators University, where he founded the Communication, Culture and Technology Research Group (recognised by Colciencias) and the POLEMIKOS magazine. He has conducted national and international research projects.

Humberto Rodriguez Mercado, Fundación RENACER

Professor at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, the Technologic University of Bolívar and the University of San Buenaventura Cartagena. Specialist in Communication for regional development with an emphasis on political marketing at the Autonomous University. Communications Coordinator of the Mayor’s Office of Cartagena de Indias; Communications Director of the Government of Bolívar; Communications adviser at the Hospital del Sur in Bogota; Consultant for UNICEF in the provision of support to the tourism sector for the adoption of the international certification in social responsibility (The Code) for the protection of children from commercial sexual exploitation; Communications officer at the Technological University of Bolivar; Facilitator of Community Development with an emphasis on Communications in Plan International.


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How to Cite

Castillo Murillejo, N. C., Cárdenas Pinto, G. H., & Rodriguez Mercado, H. (2015). Online tourism, virtual identity and sexual exploitation. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (70), 381–400.


