Entrepreneurial journalism: Sports journalism in Spain
Entrepreneurial journalism, sports journalism, digital journalism, digital storytelling, startup mediaAbstract
This article analyses entrepreneurial journalism as a phenomenon that has emerged in Spain’s news media industry and has developed strongly in the sports news. Method. The analysis is based on the identification and analysis of the media startups launched since 2008 and on the results of the 2013 Report of the Journalistic Profession published by the Press Association of Madrid. Results. Sports journalism is a field that favours innovation and the creation of a diversity of projects. Two tendencies stand out: hyperlocal start-ups and niche information products. Discussion. The article examines the contribution of these projects to the current structure of the journalism industry, as well as their viability, characteristic business models, and common patterns. Conclusions. Sports journalism is still at an expansive phase and involves new ways of managing internet-based businesses that rely heavily on the personal brand of journalists, as well as new thematic areas and contents.
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