News production routines in Ecuador’s online newspapers: El Universo, El Mercurio, El Diario and Crónica de la Tarde




Production routines, digital newspapers, journalists, newsroom


This article presents the results of an analysis of the newsrooms of four Ecuadorian digital newspapers (El UniversoEl MercurioEl Diario and Crónica de la Tarde) in order to identify their news-production dynamics and professional practices. Method. The study is based on non-participatory observation and interviews with journalists, carried out inside the newsrooms of each newspaper. The observation sessions took place in 2011 on the following dates: at El Mercurio on 1 and 2 June; at El Universo on 7 June; at El Diario on 9 and 10 June; and at Crónica de la Tarde on 13 and 14 June. Results: The digital versions of the aforementioned newspapers do follow routine work methods. Discussion: The work structure of these newspapers has been inherited from their traditional print counterparts. Journalists do not participate in the decision-making processes or in the redefinition and evaluation of the digital product. Conclusions: The transition of journalists’ work from the traditional to the digital platform presents a major concern. In the online newsrooms, work organization is consistent with the work dynamics, and human resources are limited and poorly-trained.


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Author Biographies

Diana Rivera Rogel, Technical Particular University of Loja

Full Professor of Print media in the BA degree in Social Communication of the Technical University of Loja (Ecuador) since 2006. Holds a BA degree in Social communication from the Technical University of Loja, and a Master of Advanced Studies (DEA) and a PhD degree in Communication and Journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Director of the Department of Communication Sciences of the Technical University of Loja since May 2012. International co-editor of the scientific journal Comunicar.

Participant in four funded research projects: “History of Ecuador’s media. Press, radio, television, photography and digital media”, “Study of the state of the news media in Ecuador”, “Ecuador’s media landscape”, and “Analysis of the agenda setting of the audiovisual, print and digital media of Ecuador”.

Selected by UNESCO and FELAFACS to teach the Online/multimedia journalism module in the Andean Region.

Xosé Pereira-Fariña, University of Santiago de Compostela

José Pereira Fariña (1976) is a professor at the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela and a member of its New Media Research Group.
At the University of Santiago de Compostela, he is currently the Dean of the School of Communication Sciences, and for three years he was the Coordinator of Internal Communication and Institutional Image.

His publications include several articles in international journals and several books on online journalism, such as Manual de Redacción Ciberperiodística (“Manual of digital journalism writing”) (Ariel, 2004) and Sistemas de información digital (Digital information systems”) (Pearson, 2006).

He is part of several research projects related to content analysis and the digital convergence of different media

Jenny Yaguache Quichimbo, Technical Particular University of Loja

Professor of Media management and Organisational communication at the Technical University of Loja. CPA by the Technical University of Loja. DEA and PhD student in Communication and Journalism at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Diploma in Print media editing. As researcher, her areas of specialisation are Media management and organisation, Organisational communication and Internal communication.

Participant in four funded research projects: “Study of the state of the news media in Ecuador”, “Ecuador’s media landscape”, ”Production processes and factors in Ecuador’s media companies”, and Diagnosis of the state of public relations in Ecuador”.


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How to Cite

Rivera Rogel, D., Pereira-Fariña, X. ., & Yaguache Quichimbo, J. . (2015). News production routines in Ecuador’s online newspapers: El Universo, El Mercurio, El Diario and Crónica de la Tarde. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 14–27.




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