New television platforms in Spain and their influence on the market.




Television, media concentration, pluralism of information, media corporations


The acquisition of the Cuatro and La sexta television networks by Telecinco and Antena 3, respectively, has configured a new audiovisual landscape in Spain. The two new media platforms, now known as Mediaset España and Atresmedia, have accumulated considerable power in the free-to-air television market in terms of revenue, audience configuration and advertising sales figures. The objective of this article is to analyse the causes of these mergers, their influence on the Spanish television market, and to establish whether they put at risk -in terms of “relevant markets”- the survival of other players. Method. The study is based on the principles of the political economy of communication, which provides an integrated theoretical framework focused on media ownership and concentration. Results and conclusions. The overall conclusion is that, since 2010, when the first concentration deal was closed, the conditions of competition of the Spanish audiovisual market have been modified.


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Author Biographies

José Vicente García Santamaria, Carlos III University of Madrid

José Vicente García Santamaria holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Image from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Doctoral Degree in Communication Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University.

He is currently a professor at the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the Carlos III Universidad and coordinator of the research group of the International University of La Rioja, on new journalism business models in the digital realm.

Co-author of a dozen of collective books, including: La televisión etiquetada, nuevas audiencias, nuevos negocios (“Tagged television, new audiences, new business”, 2011); Reorganización de grupos multimedia en España (“Reorganization of multi-media groups in Spain”, 2011); and Periodismo digital en tiempos de crisis (“Digital journalism in times of crisis”,2009). Coordinator of Concentración y pluralismo en los medios de comunicación españoles (“Concentration and pluralism in the Spanish media”,2013) and Los procesos de financiarización en los grupos de comunicación españoles y el caso Prisa-Liberty (“Funding processes in the Spanish media groups and the Prisa-Liberty case”, 2012).

Author of articles published by important communication journals, including Latina, Telos, Zer, Análisi, Palabra Clave, Global Media Journal México, OBS and Razón y Palabra, among others.

María José Pérez Serrano, Complutense University of Madrid

María José Pérez Serrano holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and a Doctoral Degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Holder of the 2006-2007 Extraordinary PhD Award and a MBA Degree (specialization in Financial Management). Currently a Professor at the Department of Journalism IV (Media Company) of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Her scientific career and production is linked to the study of media companies and, specifically, media concentration and its influence on pluralism. Her publications include the book titled La concentración de medios en España. Análisis de casos relevantes en radio, prensa y televisión (“Media concentration in Spain. Analysis of relevant cases in radio, press and television”), and articles published in national and international journals, such as Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico and Global Media Journal. Author of book chapters and communication papers in her areas of speciality.

Gema Alcolea Díaz, Complutense University of Madrid

Gema Alcolea Díaz holds a Doctoral Degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Holder of the second University Education National Award and the Extraordinary Student Award (Bachelor’s level).

Professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication of the Felipe II Higher Studies Centre, attached to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Aranjuez). Member of the research group Communication Structure, History and Contents (GREHCCO) of the University of Seville. Participant in R&D project “Audiovisual culture and gender representations in Spain: messages, consumption and youth appropriation in television fiction and video games”. Coordinator of Audiovisual Communication Practices at the Felipe II Higher Studies Centre. Author of research books, including, La televisión digital en España (“Digital television in Spain”) and Una semana sin televisión en el siglo XXI (“A week without television in the 21st century). Co-author of collective works (including Preparing for the future: studies in communication sciences in the EHEA and La dinámica periodística. Perspectiva, contexto, método y técnicas (“Dynamic journalism. Perspective, context, methods and techniques”).

Author of articles examining the area of media companies and published in scientific journals, such as Telos and Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico.


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How to Cite

García Santamaria, J. V. ., Pérez Serrano, M. J. ., & Alcolea Díaz, G. . (2014). New television platforms in Spain and their influence on the market. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (69), 390–417.


