Type of contributions

RLCS submits to peer review, following the double-blind system (anonymity of reviewers and authors), the original contributions published in the following sections:

  • Research Articles: Original and unpublished, the result of a scientific research, whose expression in articles has the usefulness of being validated and disseminated to the scientific community. Up to 10,000 words in length (article template).

  • Review Articles: This is a publication format in which an updated, critical and evaluative analysis is carried out, based on the study of the existing scientific literature, on a specific research problem: in no case is it exclusively a meta-analysis or an uncritical compilation of published research, but it should provide a state of the art of the subject treated. Up to 10,000 words in length (template for articles) with exhaustive use of existing bibliography.

  • Reviews: Up to 500 words in length (review template). An editorial filter is applied for selection, based on the objective relevance and interest of the books reviewed.

When submitting the manuscript, an initial evaluation is carried out in which the editor verifies:

That the manuscript is scientific, original and unpublished, which entails the use of rigorous methodology, contrasting of sources and structuring of appropriate content.

The relationship with the objective and thematic scope of RLCS

That it complies with the formal and ethical requirements demanded by the publication according to the regulations available in:

  • Publication standards

  • Ethical code

Duration of the manuscript review process: The evaluation period, having passed the previous procedures determined by the Editorial Board, is a maximum of 90 days.