Advertising for immigrants in Spain. From the perspective of the agencies


  • Antonio-J. Baladrón Pazos Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)



advertising, immigration, ethnic agencies, cultural diversity, Spain


This article examines the present and future of advertising targeting immigrants in Spain. The research is based on the results of a Delphi survey conducted in 2009 and 2010 among directors of ethnic advertising agencies. The main purpose is to analyse the trends that, according to these directors, will characterise advertising for immigrants in the coming years and the way these experts would like this type of advertising to evolve. The article examines the needs of companies to direct their advertising at a society that is increasingly culturally diverse due to the significant rise of immigration in Spain in the last few years. The results show that in the future advertising for immigrants will be more creative, will use more the Web 2.0., will be more professionalised, and will research more about immigrants. The results also predict that advertising for immigrants will give less importance to immigrants’ ethnicity and the cultural references about their origins. The reason is that the new residents will be increasingly integrated into the Spanish society and therefore increasingly incorporated into the planning of any type of campaign.


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Author Biography

Antonio-J. Baladrón Pazos, Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)

Antonio J. Baladrón-Pazos holds a Ph.D. in Advertising and Public Relations, a bachelor’s degrees in Journalism and  in Advertising and Public Relations. He is currently an assistant professor teaching his specialty at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain.

In recent years he has carried out various research projects on advertising, immigration and cultural diversity, which have been published widely in scientific journals and presented in academic conferences.

He is the author of the books entitled “Consumo y publicidad para inmigrantes. Claves para dirigirse a un mercado emergente” (Consumption and advertising for immigrants. Keys to approach an emerging market) and “Violencia y publicidad televisiva. De la violencia como recurso creativo a la publicidad como violencia” (Violence and television advertising. From violence as a creative resource to advertising as violence). He has also co-authored the following books: “La publicidad se acerca a la inmigración. Un factor de integración de la diversidad cultural” (Advertising approaches immigration. A factor encouraging the integration of cultural diversity), “Para comprender la publicidad, las RR.PP. y la comunicación audiovisual” (Understanding advertising, public relations, and audiovisual communication), and “Publicidad y ciudad” (Advertising and the City).

He won the Extraordinary PhD award of the University of Vigo, and the Research on Mass Communication award of Catalonia’s Consell de l'Audiovisual


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How to Cite

Baladrón Pazos, A.-J. (2011). Advertising for immigrants in Spain. From the perspective of the agencies. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (66), 350–375.


