Media and their worldviews.The sense anchored in dialogical discursive strategies


  • Mirta Clara Echevarría National University of Córdoba



dialogism, intertextuality, irony, parody, satire, social assessments


This paper addresses conceptual and analytical, discursive strategies based on intertextuality and interdiscursivity (parody, satire, irony, and others) which allows further unravel the effect. That sense reflected in significant materials-located, on one level, as "texts " (Veron) - is crossed by the conditions of production, circulation, reproduction and recognition.

Through the analysis shows how certain digital Argentina‟s publications down reading a contract through the construction of images of author and reader, how to absorb and transform socio-historical situations and how, at the same time, re (produce) assessments would be part of the social imaginary.

Communication, being a culturally configured process, sets in motion a complex exchange relationships, differentiations and combinations of what is said and unsaid. The methodological approach is eclectic adapting methods used in discourse analysis, semiotics, sociology of literature and literary theory.


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Author Biography

Mirta Clara Echevarría, National University of Córdoba

Mirta Clara Echevarría holds a Ph.D. Degree in Information Sciences from the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Sciences from the National University of Cordoba (Cordoba, Argentina).

She is professor of Spanish Language, Literature and Latin recognized by the Superior School of Professors “A. Carbó” (Cordoba, Argentina). She teaches at the National University of Cordoba (UNC), Argentina, and is experienced in all educational levels.

As a researcher she is part of the Incentive Programme for Researching Teachers, of Argentina’s Department of Science and Technology (SECyT) and UNC. Her latest research has focused on online publications. She is the Director of the following subsidized projects: “Comunicación en la red: sitios periodísticos en línea. Estrategias de captación y mantenimiento de usuarios digitales” (Internet communication: online newspapers. Strategies for the acquisition and maintenance of digital users), and “Periodismo digital: modelos de producción de diarios argentinos en relación con las potencialidades de Internet” (Digital journalism: models of production used by Argentine newspapers in relation to the potential of the Internet).

She has been member of scientific committees in international conferences. Evaluator of postgraduate courses (CONEAU). She is also an expert judge in the assessment of research projects, member of the Evaluation Commission of Social and Political Sciences for SECyT and UNC, and founding member of the Iberoamerican Academic Network of Communication (RAIC).

Her published collaboration work includes: “Nuevas tecnologías y accesibilidad académica para estudiantes con discapacidad visual” (New technologies and academic accessibility for students with visual impairment). “Políticas de acceso e inclusión académica al Nivel Superior de estudiantes con discapacidad visual: el caso de la Red MATE” (Policies of academic access and inclusion to higher studies for students with visual disabilities: the case of the MATE network). “Redes de alta velocidad en comunicación social: prácticas profesionales y sus representaciones sociales como marco de construcción e interpretación” (High-speed networks in social communication: internships and their social representations as construction and interpretation frameworks). Aportes a propuestas de formación (Contributions to training proposals) - School of Information Sciences - UNC.


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How to Cite

Echevarría, M. C. (2011). Media and their worldviews.The sense anchored in dialogical discursive strategies. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (66), 315–325.


