UPV/EHU Students’ to Tuenti and Facebook: uses and perceptions





social networks, Tuenti, Facebook, university students, uses, brand image


Some previous studies about social networks have shown indicators of their penetration in different population segments, their frequency of use and the importance that they are getting. Nevertheless, those studies ignore some more specific questions. This analysis intends to fill the gap that more commercial research has left focusing in a strategic public, university students that will fill the ranks of future professionals.  We have made several focus groups and a survey with more than 650 answered questionnaires in order to analyze the different brand images that the two social network leaders (Tuenti and Facebook) have between university students, in order to explore the knowledge that those students have about legal conditions under witch they can use the networks and in order to find out in which other activities do they engage while connected to those sites.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Monge Benito, University of the País Vasco

Sergio Monge-Benito holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations (2001), and a Ph.D. Degree in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (2007).

He is Professor of “Advertising Persuasion” (transformed into “Communication and Advertising: Persuasive Strategies” with the introduction of the Bologna degrees) in the B.A. degrees in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations, and of “Economic and Consumption Psychology” in the M.A. degree in Organisational Psychology and Psychosocial intervention.

He has professional experience as Head of Communication and Marketing and Consultant in Internet Communication (as freelance).

He has published several articles in academic journals related to the Internet and ICTs: free services on the Internet, mechanisms promoting online archives for digital educational content, uses of ICTs for education.

He has also presented papers in several academic congresses on educational technology and professional forums on issues related to the ICTs and the media (Search Engine Marketing, Neuromarketing, Blogs, and Social Networks).

María Elena Olabarri Fernández, University of the País Vasco

Elena Olabarri holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology (1980), and a Ph.D. Degree in Political Sciences and Sociology (1989). She is Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (since 2001).

She is Professor of “Consumption Psycho-sociology” in the B.A. programme in Advertising and Public Relations; of “Communication and Advertising: Persuasive Strategies” in the B.A. programme in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising; and of “Communicational Marketing” in the M.A. programme in Innovation and Knowledge Management. Her main lines of research are: firstly, "consumer behaviour research" with a particular focus on issues related to decision and addiction processes; secondly, “Advertising effectiveness”; and finally, "Gender studies and audiovisual consumption”. She has conducted and published several research projects about the first line of research, individually and with Professor J. Luis León and Irene García.

She has been guest speaker in many occasions, for example, at the “45th European Congress: Research Quality” (1992) organised in Madrid by the “The European Association for Marketing and Opinion Studies”, where she obtained the European Prize for the best research methodology and the Fernanda Monti Award to the best presentation. She also participated in the ESOMAR’s 2002 World Congress: “Consolidation or Renewal? From Research to Costumer Insight”. In 2000, she participated in the 6th World Leisure Congress (Leisure and Human Development) held in (Bilbao). Her publications include a pioneering book about consumer behaviour, which was co-written with Professor J. Luis León, published by Ediciones Deusto (1996). Regarding the subject of “Advertising effectiveness”, she was hired by the Basque Government from 2001 to 2009 to examine the Basque Government’s tourism advertising campaigns, and published several articles with Professor M. Angel Quintana in the journals “Cuestiones Publicitarias” (Advertising Issues) and “Investigación y Marketing” (Research and Marketing). She also participated in the International Congress “Marketing Trends” (Venice, 2010).

In relation to gender studies, she conducted various research projects and published several articles with professors Casilda de Miguel, Begoña Siles, and Leire Ituarte. She also published the book entitled “Gender identity in the television image”, published by the Spanish Women’s Institute and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Madrid, 2004).


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2011-09-05 — Updated on 2023-05-08


How to Cite

Monge Benito, S. ., & Olabarri Fernández, M. E. (2023). UPV/EHU Students’ to Tuenti and Facebook: uses and perceptions. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (66), 79–100. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-66-2011-925-79-100 (Original work published September 5, 2011)


