Protagonist-antagonist evaluation in audiovisual content target on children on Spanish television


  • Carmen López-Sánchez University of Alicante
  • Victoria Tur Viñes Universty of Alicante
  • José Antonio Miguel Hernández University of Elche



Children, Television, protagonist, antagonist, evaluation


Abstract: The goal of this study is to analyze the protagonist-antagonist profile in all television content scheduled for children in Spanish television channels, analyzing variables such as type and number, age, gender, nationality, skills, relationship between the characters, characterization of the character, targets used to achieve goals, consequences of the action of the antagonist on the antagonist and vice versa. The sample consists of 168 series analyzed using descriptive content analysis and multivariate analysis. We may note that over 50% of the series antagonist, and when there is any, the most common is a unique human, appearing in more than 15% of the series, followed with just 10% by a fantastic creature. In 80% of the series social and human skills are belonging to the main character, and in 45.24% the type of skill is intelligence.


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Author Biographies

Carmen López-Sánchez, University of Alicante

Carmen López-Sánchez holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from the Miguel HernándezUniversity. She is recognised as specialist in Clinical Psychology by the Ministry of Education and Science.She is Full Professor in the area of Social Psychology and teaches in the B.A. programme in Advertising and Public Relations. She part of the Communication and Children Research Group. She is a collaborator at the Institute of Research onDrugAddictions (INID) of the Miguel Hernández University.She is a member of the editorial board of the magazinesHealth an Addictions and Mediterránea de Comunicación.She is part of the Scientific Committee of the

Her research lines focus on subjects like drug prevention, communication, childhood, youth, advertising and Internet. Her list of published books includes: Prevenciónprimaria de drogodependencias en la escuela: teoría y método. (Primary prevention of drug dependence in school: theory and method);Tratadosobreprevención de lasdrogodependencias (Treaty on the prevention of drug dependence);Nuevasaportaciones a la prevención de lasdrogodependencias (New contributions to the prevention of drug dependence).Programa de Prevención de Drogas: Barbacana (Drug Prevention Programme: Barbacana);Fundamentosbásicossobretabaco, alcohol y otrasdrogas (Basic foundations on tobacco, alcohol and other drugs);Manual de Estudiossobre Alcohol (Manual of studies on alcohol); Manual de estudiossobrecocaína y drogas de síntesis(Manual of studies on cocaine and other synthetic drugs); and Medios de Comunicación, Publicidad y Adicciones(Media, advertising and addictions).

Carmen López-Sánchez has won various national research awards and has participated in various national and international R&D financed projects. She is member of the Spanish Association forCommunication Research (AE+IC)

Victoria Tur Viñes, Universty of Alicante

Full professor at the Department of Communication and Social Psychology, in the area of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising,at the University of Alicante. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Ph.D. Degree in Sociology.

Former Senior Advertising Producer in Publiespaña (FininvestGroup).Professor of the Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, in the area of advertising creativity. Author of the books Comunicaciónpublicitaria de juguetes en televisión(The advertising of toys on television)published in 2004, and Marketing Infantil(Marketing for children), published in 2008. Head researcher of theCommunication and Childhood Research Group.

Director of the Department of Communication and Social Psychology at the University of Alicante.Founding member of the Spanish Association forCommunication Research (AE+IC).Associated member of the Latin American Forum on Communication Strategies(FISEC).Member of the International Association of Junior Researchers in Communication (AIJIC).

Vice-President of the International Association for Research on Childhood, Youth and Communication. Founding member of the Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social (Latin American Society of Social Communication). Director of the Mediterranean Journal of Communication.

José Antonio, Miguel Hernández University of Elche

Chair Professor of Social Psychology at the Department of Health Psychology at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.Ph.D. in Psychology,specialist in Clinical Psychology, Director of the Institute of Research on Drug Dependence (INID) of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Coordinator of the Ph.D.programmeoffered by the Higher Institute of Education Sciences of Portugal (ISCE), Member of the Technical Committee of Drug Addiction Prevention of the Conselleria de Sanidad de la GeneralitatValenciana. Founder and director of the Health and Addictions journal.

His research has focused on the study of drug prevention. He has leaded many funded research projects, ha published many books and scientific articles, and has made many presentations in congresses. His latest published books include: Mihijo, lasdrogas y yo(My son, the drugs and I) (2007, 4thedition) and Medios de comunicación, publicidad y adicciones(Media, advertising and addictions) (2009).


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How to Cite

López-Sánchez, C., Tur Viñes, V., & José Antonio. (2024). Protagonist-antagonist evaluation in audiovisual content target on children on Spanish television. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (65).




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