Qualitative study of the communication processes of Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (RLCS) from 1998 to 2009


  • Maricela López-Ornelas Autonomous University of Baja California, UABC




metrics studies, scientific production, academic networks, co-authorship, information analysis, bibliometric indicators


This article presents the results of a metrics study performed the Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (Latina Journal of Social communication) from January 1998 to December 2009. The quantitative analysis explores the communication processes registered in 878 articles, through five bibliometric indicators: gender, academic degree, country of origin, co-authorship and institutional affiliation. This last criterion was applied only to Spanish authors as they account for 55% of the scientific production in the Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (hence RLCS).

The results indicate that there are 1,047 authors, of which 44% are women and 56% are men. This study addresses the position of RLCS in Latin America and highlights the academic contribution of countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, and Chile. Moreover, the study addresses the participation of 42 Spanish universities in RLCS, which is also Spanish. So of these universities stand out because they have registered more than 20 authors each (e.g. the University of Seville, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of the Basque Country, the University of Santiago de Compostela, the University of Malaga, and the Rey Juan Carlos University). Finally, the article identifies the institutional affiliation of 285 (27%) authors who published in co-authorship, and classifies the types of collaboration of the Spanish authors in three categories: intra-institutional, inter-institutional and international


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Author Biography

Maricela López-Ornelas, Autonomous University of Baja California, UABC

Maricela López-Ornelas is a Ph.D. student in Media and information sciences at the University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. She obtained a Master’s Degree in Education Sciences (2004) from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) with the thesis Design and validation of a tool to evaluate electronic scholarly journals. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Sciences (1993) from the same University.

She is currently a full professor at the Institute for Research and Educative Development (http://iide.ens.uabc.mx/blogs/iide/) of the Autonomous University of Baja California, where she is part of the research body on Educational Evaluation.

Since 1993 she has been teaching in B.A. programmes in the area of communication and since 2007 she has also been teaching in postgraduate courses in the area of education.

She is co-founder of the REDIE project, the Electronic Journal de Educative Research (http://redie.uabc.mx), where she is responsible for the online editing processes. She is a member of the editorial teams of peer-reviewed journals in the area of communication.

She has presented papers and coordinated international conference roundtables. Moreover she has published articles about the evaluation of online information and the development, management and evaluation of the online academic journals, in important journals of communication sciences. These articles are available at: http://iide.ens.uabc.mx/blogs/ornelas/.  


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How to Cite

López-Ornelas, Maricela. 2024. “Qualitative study of the communication processes of Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (RLCS) from 1998 to 2009”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 65 (January). https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-2010-1079.




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