An approach to the concept of a virtual border. Identities and communication spaces




Virtual border, cyberspace, communication, identity


This article presents an approach to the concept of a border in cyberspace, analysed as a place of communication and identity. Firstly, it explores various dimensions of the border and specifies the role of geographical boundaries. Different aspects that define virtual borders, such as changes in the concept of borders from the Internet, ideas of memory and identity, national implications, virtual communities, and relationships between the external borders and borders online are shown next. Finally, a typology of virtual boundaries is presented.


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Author Biographies

Antonio García Jiménez, Rey Juan Carlos University

PhD in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense (1996). Professor of Journalism at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
He is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC).
He teaches subjects related to Internet and Society, as well as Documentation, and is coordinator of the Research Group on Communication, Society and Culture (GICOMSOC).
He has participated and directed different research projects related to the Internet (uses and risks in adolescents, information systems and organization of information on the web, gender and the Internet), with the automatic generation of language, and with the representation and perception of women.
Some of her works are: "Organization and management of knowledge in communication" (Trea, 2002), "Section, Categories and Keywords as Interest Specification Tools for Personalised News Services" (2001), Evaluation of a system of personalised summarization of web contents (2005), "Ontologies and thesauri: knowledge representation for the semantic web (2005), "User-centred versus system-centred evaluation of a personalization system" (2008) and "Media, representations and perceptions: the case of political women" (2008).

Pilar Beltrán Orenes, Rey Juan Carlos University

Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences I in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

She has a BA in Philosophy and a Doctorate in Philosophy and Scientific Methodology. She is currently Professor of Informative Documentation at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

She has been a professor of Informatics at the Universities of La Coruña, Salamanca, Carlos III, and the Complutense of Madrid.

In recent years, she has worked on different research projects centered on the representation and organization of information in Public Administration, as well as the design and development of documentary tools for learning via the web (DOTEINE and IACORIE projects).

Her most recent works include: “La influencia de la sociedad del conocimiento en la modernización de la Administración pública” (The influence of the knowledge society in the modernization of public administration) (2006), “Model for interoperability evaluation in e-government services” (2006), “Information interoperability evaluation model for public web sites” (2006) and “La gestión de los números internacionales de identificación de documentos: Estado de la cuestión” (The management of documents international identification numbers: State of the art) (2008).

Sonia Núñez Puente, Rey Juan Carlos University

She has a B.A. in Spanish and English Philology, and a Ph.D. in Spanish Literature. She is currently a researcher in the Ramón y Cajal program and coordinator of the Seminar in Identity and Gender Studies at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (

She is the coauthor, along with Lucía Etxebarria, of the essay En brazos de la mujer fetiche (In the arms of the fetish woman) (2002).

She is also the author of monographs on the image of women, such as Ellas se aburren. Tedio y figura femenina en La Regenta y la novela europea de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX (They get bored. Boredom and the feminine figure in the European novel during the second half of the 19th century)(2001), Una historia propiaHistoria de las mujeres en la España del siglo XX (A personal story. History of women in the 20th century Spain) (2004)and Reescribir la femineidad: la mujer y el discurso cultural en la España contemporánea (Rewriting femininity: women and the cultural discourse in contemporary Spain) (2007).

She is the author of numerous articles on the representation of women and cultural studies in nationally and internationally indexed journals.

She has directed research projects on gender and Communications Media, and she currently directs the R&D project on cyberfeminism. She is a member of the European project Athena on Gender Studies, and a member of the executive commission of GENET (CSIC). She has directed various seminars and conferences on gender and cultural representations of women.

She has been an honorary researcher, Leverhulme Research Fellow, at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) and a Professor at Vanderbilt University (USA). Her research interests include: gender studies; the image of women and popular culture; representation of women, cultural and gender studies, and gender and new technologies.


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How to Cite

García Jiménez, A., Beltrán Orenes, P. ., & Núñez Puente, S. . (2010). An approach to the concept of a virtual border. Identities and communication spaces. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (65), 214–221.




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