Adaptation process of Communication studies to EHEA. The case of Aragón, a pioneering region




EHEA, educational model, communication studies, undergraduate degree, programmes, Aragón


The Autonomous Region of Aragón (Spain) is one of the pioneers in its full adaptation to the parameters and demands established by the European Higher Education Area [2]. The Aragonese universities with on-site classes began their study plans in their respective Communication degree programmes under the philosophy known as the “Bologna model” in the academic year of 2008-2009.
The aim of this article is to analyze the initiation process these studies have gone through in both the public university (Universidad de Zaragoza, UNIZAR) as well as in the private university (Universidad San Jorge, USJ).
The main objective of this work is to study how new Communication study plans created in the common European framework began to be implemented and to evaluate the new forms of learning that this model of university teaching has created.
Therefore, we will conclude with the results that have been obtained to date with the application of active methods of learning aimed at acquiring professional skills based on concepts such as flexible and lifelong learning (LLL),
To sum up, the aim is to identify the keys of paradigm change brought on by Bologna in Communication studies and how and with what concrete results the innovations that have been introduced in content and teaching methodology in degree programmes can be interpreted based on the experience in Aragón.


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Author Biographies

Nerea Vadillo Bengoa, San Jorge University

Nerea Vadillo Bengoa Nerea Vadillo holds a bachelors degree in Journalism and a PhD in Political Science and Sociology from the Universidad del País Vasco.

She is currently the Head of the School of Communications at the Universidad San Jorge and also teaches a course on Press Writing.

She was a lecturer-researcher in the Department of International Relations at the Universidad del Pais Vasco and in the Department of International Law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

She has also taught at the University of California and has been a Visiting Research Fellow at the School of International Studies at the University of Miami and at the Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales "Raúl Roa (ISRI) in Havana (Cuba).

She has a Masters degree in European Integration and specializes in international relations, specifically in the European Union and International Cooperation as well as newspaper formats.

She was a member of the research group "Journalism as a creative space in Aragon: the Web 2.0. Narrative Techniques and Strategies in journalism" and is now a member of another research group acknowledged by the Government of Aragon, “Educommunication Research Group”.

Moreover, she is a member of the Ibero-American Academic Network of Communication (RAIC) and Women in Science Advisory Commission of the Government of Aragon.

Carmen Marta Lazo, University of Zaragoza

Professor of Radio and Television at the Universidad de Zaragoza. PhD in Communication by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Special Mention of PhD. Master of Educational Television by the UCM and Master of Radio Nacional de España (RNE) and UCM.

Especialist in New Technologies and Education by the Universidad Española a Distancia (UNED).

She has taught at the UCM, also in the Universidad Francisco Vitoria in Madrid and in the Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza.

She is the author of Television in the eyes of children and co-author of the Consumos y mediaciones de familias y pantallas. She has over twenty papers in scientific journals (Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, Zer, Communicar, Análisi, Ámbitos etc..) about Educommunication.

She has given many conferences and national and international seminars. She has participated in several research projects funded by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) from Spain, by the UCM and the Research Foundation of the UFV.

She is the principal investigator of Educomunnication Research Group and belongs to the Ibero-American Academic Network of Communication (RAIC).

Daniel Cabrera Altieri, University of Zaragoza

PhD in Communication, Diploma of Studies Advanced in Philosophy, Magister in Sociosemiótica.

He was professor of communication in the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and in the Universidad de Navarra (Spain). It's been full-time researcher at the Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Veracruzana (México).

Nowadays he is a teacher in the Degree of Journalism of the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). It has published numerous articles in scientific magazines. The last one is “The soul of the Golem” in Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication.

He is the author of Lo tecnológico y lo imaginario. Las nuevas tecnologías como creencias y esperanzas colectivas Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2006. He coordinated, Fragmentos de caos. Filosofía, sujeto y sociedad en Cornelius Castoriadis, Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2008; and the Anthropos Magazine, Nº 225 “Walter Benjamin, la experiencia de una voz crítica creativa y disidente”, Barcelona, October - December, 2009.


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How to Cite

Vadillo Bengoa, N., Marta Lazo, C., & Cabrera Altieri, D. . (2010). Adaptation process of Communication studies to EHEA. The case of Aragón, a pioneering region. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65), 187–203.


